
Porter Home Restoration Fund

Jeremy Porter Porter Home Restoration Fund DONATE Today!

I write this with a very heavy heart, my baby sister and her husband of 35 years has just gone through something that most of us can only imagine. Only one day earlier they were celebrating their 35th year of marriage and the Christmas holidays and then they received a phone call while at work telling them that their home is burning. The home where they raised their two children, the home that she held together while he went off to fight for our country, they have never hesitated to help anyone and now they need help. If you can help in any way I will be forever grateful. THEY DO NOT HAVE FIRE INSURANCE.  Any form of help will be appreciated, skills, time materials etc…

This is a look at some of the damage to their home ,also the entire top of the house has to be replaced along with the heating and cooling unit.


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