Crowd Funding News

PTSD Service Dog David Green GoFundME ViralExposure Campaign

PTSD Service Dog/David Green GoFundME ViralExposure Campaign

When my brother graduated from high school in 2004, he wanted to change the world, he wanted to save lives.  He wanted to do this by becoming an EMT or a doctor and having grown up in a very patriotic family it seemed a great way to make this dream happen was by joining the military and training to be a combat medic.

Within a year of graduating from high school he was in Iraq, fighting for his own life and to save the lives of his brother and sister’s in arms.  Even though he saved countless lives and despite his best efforts there were soldiers lost.  He carries those losses with him every day.  He made it home in one piece physically, but there are pieces of him that will always be back there and parts of him that suffer each and every day from what he endured.  The wounds of war are not always visible.

David suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder including flashbacks, a Traumatic Brain Injury that resulted in anosmia (the loss of the sense of smell and taste), chronic back pain, and debilitating anxiety.  The carefree nature of his youth has been replaced with pain, loss, and fear.  David has sought every avenue of relief for his afflictions from medication to therapy to alternative treatments.  His doctor’s have told him that they believe he could benefit immensely from a specially trained service dog.  This dog would be specifically trained to assist David in coping with his specific ailments and hopefully helping him improve the quality of all areas of his life.  This companion would help him fight to get back some of the life that he used to know and to adjust to life as a veteran back home.

The cost of raising a service dog is quite high.  They are specifically selected from puppy stage and raised by specially trained individuals.  Typical training for a service dog takes up to 18 months/2 years and then they work with their companion to build an unbreakable bond while helping them with their specific afflictions.  David’s dog would be trained to help him through PTSD episodes, anxiety occurrences, and to be able to live his life again.  To be able to get the service dog that he so desperately needs and deserves, David needs to raise $10,000.  Please consider donating to him in this effort and sharing this cause with your friends and family.  There is no amount too small and prayers for David and all the other veterans out there are deeply appreciated.  “The soldier above all others prays for peace, for it is the soldier who must suffer and bear the deepest wounds and scars of war.”

All Funds go directly to Deafinitely Dogs to the fundraising account of David Green 0113PDG.

Jerry Cruz

Tops SEO Expert, Social Media Influencer and Editor. Having published and edited more than 4700+ Articles in the last 6 years definately a PRO!

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