
Save our Building Fund

Dana Seeger Save our Building FundDONATE Today!!

Help us save our beautiful building! We need your help to continue our mission. The School of Visual Philosophy is changing art education. We are committed to helping people find their voice and for artists to take themselves seriously as professional individuals. Our school offers classes and workshops in fine art such as clay sculpture, painting, metal casting, printmaking and more!

We also provide a home for local artists to make work in their own private studios alongside people from the community who can rent the tools, equipment and shop space to make their artistic dreams a reality.

We are raising money in order to purchase the building we are currently renting. We will use the money to contribute to our down payment on our fabulous mid-century modern industrial building.

We have put our heart, soul and sweat into making our building our home and we don’t want to leave, so with your help we can make our dream a reality and continue to provide our community with high quality art education and facilities.

We will be so grateful to know that we have touched the lives of people in our community as well as world-wide with our vision of creating a better way to learn. Please  keep us on track to enable YOU to find your voice here at the School of Visual Philosophy.

Great start everybody! Here’s a picture of our Open Studios kick off!

DONATE Today!!

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