Crowd Funding News

Selicia’s (Lisa) Breast Cancer Support

Recently my big sister Selicia ( Lisa) was diagnosed with breast cancer at the beginning of February. This has been the most shocking thing that has happened to our family. She has 3 beautiful children and an amazing husband who is by her side.

She is scheduled to have a double mastectomy on her birthday March 13th. The best birthday gift would be for her to have a worry-free journey without dealing with the financial troubles that she will be in due to this surgery. Our family will appreciate any amount of donation that is given.

Thank you, everyone, that donates and gives Lisa’s prayers we really appreciate that.

Please Support this GoFundMe Campaign at

Update 3/18/2020

A lot has happened since I last made the GoFundMe. Before March 13 (her surgery date) they checked her lymph nodes and found that it was in one of her armpits. So now she has to undergo chemotherapy for 5 months then she can have her double mastectomy and then radiation.

She is deeply saddened by this but we are staying by her side. She now has to do a PET scan to do a full body check to see if the cancer is anywhere else in her body. She is scheduled to do chemotherapy next week starting on March 23. Please send extra prayers for her.

Media Contact
Hannah Jones
hannah.rae365 [at]
Twitter: @Hannah_Jones09
(817) 615-7338

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