Crowd Funding News

Smoke Alarms for Low Income Families! GoFundME CrowdFunding Exposure

We are making a difference one life at a time! Just a $5 donation could save a life!

Bible View Ministries raises funds to purchase Smoke Alarms to distribute to Low Income Families. These
Low Income neighborhoods rarely EVER have adequate protection for their family to save their life when their home catches on fire. We are able to help families in ways you could never imagine! For a couple dollars, We truly CAN save lives!

Thank you for your support and Caring!

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Thanks to all of you, we are making a difference one life at a time!  Just a $5 donation could save a life!

Bible View Ministries raises funds in order to distribute Smoke/Fire alarms to poor families in low income neighborhoods.

Each year about 300 000 people die in fires.  Most of these deaths occur in the home and children and the elderly & the poor are at greatest risk. The absence of a smoke alarm is a strong risk factor for death in the event of a house fire. Low Income neighborhoods rarely EVER have adequate protection for their family to save their life when their home catches on fire.  We will continue to grow this ministry to help poor families as long as great people as yourself will continue to support our cause for human life!

Thank you for your support and Caring!

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