Support For Veronika Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign CrowdFundingExposure Viral Exposure
I’m not big on speeches but here goes..
I’m raising money for Veronika Tuckey, who is in the icu unit after she was in a horrific car accident.
We currently live in Batemans Bay N.S.W. Too be honest we have never been wealthy people and at the moment we are travelling to Sydney (St George Hospital) and back as often as we can and will be for the next few months or more. So i’m trying to raise the money for medical cost’s, rent, bills, accommodation and everything else that’s coming, and does not stop even when horrible things like this happen. I have been reaching out to my friends for emotional support, and i’m hearing about strange accidents and bad things happening all over, so I know times are hard. And also its so close to Christmas.
But I also know there are many good people out there.
We have just received the first bill for nearly $3000 for her specialist surgery’s and more cost’s will be forth coming.
$60 will pay for a nights accommodation for me and my mum in a Salvos hostel.
$50 is probably enough to feed us both for a week.
Its a long road ahead, so anything will help us keep going. I just need to have a home for Veronika when she gets out of hospital.
This fundraiser is important to us because it was our anniversary the day after the crash.
I want her to be able to take the holiday we had planned to go on same time next year
We really don’t expect much but I will say I have been overwhelmed by the support from my family, friends, nurses and doctors @ St George Hospital.
Also I will be donating any money left over to the Batemans Bay Public Hospital as they did such a great job as well as the paramedics at the scene ,without them Veronika wouldn’t be here today.
Thank you and bless you all!
Remember No one has ever become poor by giving.– Anne Frank