
Support Niraj’s fight for cancer FREE GoFundME IndieGoGo KickStarter JustGiving IDIDIT Booster

Niraj was recently diagnosed with stage IV pancreatic cancer. He is currently inoperable but is beginning chemotherapy. As a surgeon himself, less than two years since graduating, Niraj has dedicated his life to the rigors of school, residency training and serving patients of his own. His life is now consumed with numerous doctor appointments, chemotherapy sessions and medical related costs. Niraj’s loving wife and two adoring children, a three-year-old daughter and seven-month-old son, stand by his side as he begins treatment against this horrible disease. As you can imagine, his life has dramatically changed in many ways including his inability to practice the profession that he worked so many years to achieve. His wife has been an amazing symbol of hope and strength as she cares for her husband, two young children and attempts to maintain normalcy in all of their lives. This campaign is created to help alleviate Niraj and his young family from the financial burden of medical costs associated with a diagnosis of cancer. Please consider a donation in any amount to help Niraj’s family through this challenging new chapter in their lives. Also, keep the Niraj in your thoughts and prayers as they continue their fight against cancer.

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