i’m raising funds for Donna a nurse that had surgery on her and is now disabled. Just currently Donna had a second opinion
about her spine from the neuro and orthopedic surgeon’s and had been detertime that no correction on her spine can be done. The
spinal operation would take seven hour’s, which they told Donna she would be at a high risk for two prior blood clots in her lungs.
The risk on Donna out way the benefit. Donna has been on steroids in the past, prednisone and spinal injection’s and both don’t help her medically at all for the past few months. The steriods have contribute to her being a diabetic type 2. She can barely stand
and walk for long periods. This has become very deliberating for her intense pain and the regular use of pain medication’s.Her
husband removed her from the dental plan and now she has no coverage.Her dental cost is $ 2,500.00 to start and complete.Her
HMO Plan don’t cover physical modalities and the out of pocket cost is $1,250.00. The cost in health plan’s have went up on
Donna medication and is very difficult since she is only receiving disability to support herself. The physical
medicine doctor suggested that she purchase a good recliner and the cost can range from 399.00-499.00. A revive bed that he recommended for rest periods cost is $3000.00-4000.00. Donna had extensive surgery on her right leg that was grade four,
bone to bone.She has constant pain in her spine and the pain medication she take barely help her. Her PCP is referring her to
pain management for a consult, pain patch and or insert pain pump. Donna was very active until unsuccessful spinal operation
and was working as an licensed professional nurse for twenty years. The staff that she worked with had nothing but kind words
about her. Donna children help her a lot and they have families.

I Would Like To Thank All That Read Donna Story.
Remember That No Donation Is To Small.
God Bless All That Donated To Donna.

Thank You, Ms. Carter MSW.