Tiny’s animal hospital bill YouCaring Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign CrowdFundingExposure.com

tiny's animal hospital bill (tiny)

Hello there my beautiful cat tiny died of kidney disease almost a year ago his body still in a freezer in the hospital i live on disability can not pay the bill to bring him home and cremate him they will not give him to me until i pay for the treatment he received this are the hospital rules,even though my little baby died , the did allowed me to take few pictures as you can see lack of compassion by their part have brought me to youcaring site.

If you can help me with anything you can it will be a blessing and much appreciated I just want peace in my heat and it won’t happen until he comes home

Many thanks to everyone from me and my baby boy Tiny

Please help me pay off the vet bill so I can lay Tiny to rest!
