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Unabomber Ted Kaczynski Protests Newseum Exhibit

2008-08-12 16:08:00

    Kaczynski's Montana Cabin is Central Artifact in "G-Men and


    WASHINGTON, Aug. 12 /EMWNews/ -- Convicted "Unabomber"

Ted Kaczynski has written a letter to a three-judge U.S. Court of Appeals

panel about the display of his 10-by-12-foot cabin as a central artifact in

an exhibition at the Newseum marking the FBI centennial. For a video tour

of the cabin, visit the Newseum's Web site at


    The Smoking Gun ( article, "Kaczynski Angered By

Predatory Home Loan: Unabomber raps feds for allowing cabin's display at

D.C. museum," includes a three-page, handwritten letter from Kaczynski,

dated July 15, that relates how Kaczynski learned about the display when he

received a "full-page, full-color advertisement that features my cabin,

which is being displayed publicly at something called a 'Newseum.'"

    The 10-by-12-foot cabin where Kaczynski lived -- and was arrested -- in

rural Montana is the largest of approximately 200 artifacts featured in

"G-Men and Journalists: Top News Stories of the FBI's First Century." The

exhibit features some of the biggest cases from the FBI's first 100 years,

including John Dillinger's death mask, Patricia Hearst's coat and the

electric chair in which convicted Lindbergh baby kidnapper Bruno Hauptmann

was executed.

    The exhibition, on display through June 2009, explores the role of the

media in shaping the bureau's image and the sometimes cooperative,

sometimes combative relationship between the press and the FBI.

    The exhibition section about Kaczynski, "A Mad Bomber and His

Manifesto," focuses on the FBI's 17-year search for the Unabomber, whose

homemade bombs killed three people and injured 23 others. Despite an

investigation that spanned eight states and involved approximately 500

agents, the FBI was making little progress until, in 1995, the Unabomber

mailed a 35,000-word essay to The New York Times and The Washington Post.

If it was published, he vowed, he would "desist from terrorism."

    After much debate, the Post printed the manifesto, with the Times

sharing the costs. Months later, a tip arrived from the bomber's brother,

eventually leading the FBI to a small cabin in rural Montana where the

Unabomber, Theodore Kaczynski, was arrested.

    Opened to the public on April 11, 2008, the Newseum -- a

250,000-square-foot museum of news -- offers visitors an experience that

blends five centuries of news history with up-to-the-second technology and

hands-on exhibits.

    For more information about the Newseum and the "G-Men and Journalists"

special exhibit, the public may call 888/NEWSEUM (888/639-7386) or visit

    NOTE TO EDITORS: A hi-res, downloadable version of the Newseum exhibit

advertisement to which Kaczynski refers is available at

Click on "Press Info," then "Press Materials" and "Image Downloads" for the

file. The ad ran in The Washington Post on June 19, 2008.

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Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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