
University Degree Study Abroad in Japan Tuition Funding

Hi there my name is Haydn and I’m a 20 year old student studying International Business Management at Manchester Metropolitan University. My degree course has offered me a vast range of opportunities and life skills to help develop and enrich my career, one of these opportunities is the option to study abroad in the 3rd year of a 4 year degree. 

Its no secret that financing a university degree is difficult and I have come to the conclusion that i will struggle to afford doing an exchange next year (2018/19) based off the cost of my first 2 academic years and the combination of increased tuitions fees  my family and friends are no longer able to subsidise my degree to the extent they once did.

Therefore I’ve decided to start a gofundme appeal.

But why should you go fund me?

From and early age I have been taught to take each opportunity presented in front of you with both hands and make the most of it. I’ve been an aspiring athlete all my life whether that’s Football, Athletics or Swimming in which I’ve achieved at regional and national levels. I currently compete for my university with the potential prospects of further improving my career on the track at national and even international level. Moreover University has given me the chance to explore and get involved in new activities including trying my hand at competitive Karting, formal presentations, development workshops and use of its extensive library of research material. In the classroom I achieved a 2.1 last year for part of my degree to help meet the requirements of studying abroad, I achieved 14 GCSEs all A*- B Grades and in my A Levels 300 UCAS points.

Outside of my studies and sports I choose to fill my time with numerous activities from volunteering at local sports teams to completing awards and qualifications like my Duke of Edinburgh award, Level 1 football coaching, level 2 personal training and Lifeguarding qualification. In addition to this I got involved in an international buddy support group whereby I was responsible for guiding and settling new international students into their new environment at Manchester Met University. 

Why I want to study in Japan?

Ever since I can remember I have had a fascination with Japan, everything from its automotive industry and food, to the architecture and collectivism of its people. It’s definitely the one place in the world I would want to visit given the chance especially Osaka which other than Tokyo is the cultural capital of Japan which many attractions and limitless things to do. Kansai University which is where I’m planning to study is a university built upon the foundations of international relations and Cross-Culture education. Looking through the course details that the university offers the options are very appealing and complementary to my degree of International Business Management with that in mind the university offers a rich programme tailored for international exchange with its domestic and international students where by everyone its integrated into the course and interacts with one another which is very appealing to me. There is a untapped business market and economy in Japan which isn’t utilised by the UK to its full potential due to the lack of business men and women unfamiliar with the culture and language, this is one of the main reasons I feel its important for me to go on this programme to follow a path not many others have before. Japanese language classes are available to students at various levels further illustrating my intent and drive as I have already begun learning Japanese in preparation for studying abroad.

How will your donations help me achieve my goals?

The financial benefits from donations to the GoFundMe will support the majority of my expenses while being overseas for the academic year. The higher percentage of fund will go into my accommodation which will average 100,000yen or £670 per month on rent, other subsidiaries vary but I estimate to be domestic transport (£40 per week with the occasional visit to other prefectures which will be around £100 round trip), food (£40 per week), flights (£2500 for up to 3 trips there and back). With the combination of finances I’m saving now and any potential funding from student finance this hopefully should do me right for the year I am abroad so I’m able to live, study and explore a completely new culture without the troubles of finance holding me down.

During my time in Japan I hope to understand the language even more so than I am now, make global connections with students, teachers and businesses and indulge myself within Japans rich culture and make myself more employable in the future not only for myself but for international relations as a whole between Japan, Britain and the business world in which i hope to work within later in my career path.

Any donation would be truly appreciated beyond words and if at all possible I will personally thank each individual for their contribution. If and when I am able to go to Japan ill keep a personal log of my experiences whilst there to showcase to donators as well as the university for giving me this opportunity of a lifetime and show you what your support and belief has achieved for me.

Please Subscribe and Share to help me realise my goals and life ambitions, your help is appreciated above merit.

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