
Urgent help needed to save my parents home! GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign


The people who are close to us, have known all the pain and difficulties my parents and myself have going through.

But for those who don’t know us, I will give a short summary of our story…
My father had a severe accident in 1996.
His health has never been the same again. He developed serious heart and kidney problems as a result of that tragic accident.
Just last week he had his third open heart operation in 4 years. He’s recovering, but slowly.

My mother has COPD and is awaiting new lungs. A fungus infection, in 2015, has destroyed her lungs completely. Everyday she is restricted to her bed where she’s donated constant oxygen.

Throughout the years, the cost for hospitals and medications went to large for my parents to handle. The debt went even so high, that the bank will force them out of their house if they don’t pay 150 000 euro’s at the end of this week!

Please Please Please, help them! I’ve already spent all my savings for trying to save them! Their house means the world to them!

We would be for ever grateful for any donation we may receive. Thank you!

Family Vanaken


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