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Urgent Warning to the Leeds LGBT Community: Be Vigilant Against Dangerous Individual Targeting Leeds

An urgent warning is being issued to the LGBT community in Leeds regarding the presence of an individual who poses a significant threat to the safety and well-being of community members. The individual in question, currently using the name Lucy Sophie Woods attending Leeds University, has a well-documented history of harmful behaviour across various cities and is now believed to be targeting the LGBT community in Leeds.


Pattern of Behaviour:


Lucy Sophie Woods has established a disturbing pattern of falsely accusing innocent individuals of sexual assault, often targeting people based on race and gender. Her accusations, which are entirely unfounded, have caused irreparable harm to those she has falsely implicated. By ingratiating herself within communities, particularly within LGBT circles, she has managed to create a façade of support and solidarity, only to later reveal her true, more malevolent intentions.


In each city she has relocated to, Lucy’s actions have been so damaging that she was eventually compelled to leave when her behaviour was exposed. Now, it appears she has focused her efforts on the LGBT community in Leeds, making it imperative that community members remain alert and take proactive measures to protect themselves.


Threat to the Community:


Lucy is not only a threat to individuals but also to the cohesion and safety of the entire community. Her documented history includes theft, fraud, and the filing of false police reports, all used as tools of manipulation and intimidation against those who oppose her. In two separate alarming documented instances, she falsely accused two men of rape simply because one did not reciprocate her romantic interest.


Given her propensity for retaliation, confronting her directly is not advised. Instead, the community is urged to spread this warning widely and remain vigilant. Lucy’s tactics are highly manipulative, and she has deceived many before, but collective awareness and caution can help prevent further harm.


Actions to Take:


Disseminate This Warning:

Share this information with your networks to ensure that everyone in the community is aware and do no hesitate to contact the police if you are receiving threats or are approached by Lucy.


LGBT organisations and groups in cities where she has previously been active.


Organisations include but not limited to:

The Douglas Arms

NOA (Network of Artists)


Rainbow Ruckus

Big Burns Supper

The Stove Network

Leeds University

Women in Motion (specific member)


Locations include but not limited to:






Stay Vigilant:

Exercise caution in your interactions and be on the lookout for any suspicious or harmful behaviour. If you notice anything concerning, alert others and take appropriate steps to protect yourself and the community.


Community Safety First:


This alert is issued not to incite panic, but to empower the community with the necessary knowledge to safeguard against a serious threat. By coming together and sharing this critical information, we can stop Lucy from continuing her cycle of abuse and maintain the safety and integrity of our community.


To report any concerns, please contact your local police, community leaders and relevant organisations. Let us work together to ensure that our community remains a safe and welcoming space for all.


The Q Report

[email protected]


Company name: The Q Report

Contact name: Nicholas Heibel

Email: [email protected]

Location: Yorkshire and Humber


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