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Woman with Stage 3 Cancer held for Ransom by Crown Court whilst Legally Innocent

Is this the return of the Death Sentence?

Wembley, London Sep 19, 2024 (Issuewire.com) – Farah, a woman with stage 3 breast cancer is currently held to ransom, on remand, by Woodgreen Crown Court for 6 months.

The court has no consideration for her critical healthcare needs and she cannot leave for treatment until she can pay substantial bail funds; all of this for a case of false allegations of non-violent offenses that arose following a messy breakup, in which she was a victim of violent abuse and coercive control.

She is also suffering from Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

The View magazine is raising £30,000 for bail funds so that Farah can have the ability to access chemotherapy for her aggressive stage 3 breast cancer.

She had surgery in April at UCLH followed by four life-threatening hospital infections and remained hospitalized for 3 months. She was forcibly returned to the failing private prison HMP Bronzefield on July 25th, after the director’s unverified assurances to her medical team that the complex wound aftercare and chemotherapy could be managed in his prison. Her surgeon did not want her discharged to prison, because he was worried about the neutropenic sepsis risk in chemotherapy patients. However, without investigation, UCLH agreed to her discharge into an unsanitary and unhygienic environment where she immediately contracted another infection.

She has become increasingly frail.

The View magazine has launched a fundraiser at https://gofund.me/25f1c3ca.

Considering Farah’s situation and other people who are suffering like her, The View seeks to commission a binding protocol for the NHS and Ministry of Justice to determine how prisoners with cancer and other end-of-life prisoners are treated to ensure they retain their human rights and dignity. We want to challenge the incompatibility of the Human Rights Act and the Bail Act where judges can remand cancer patients to prison, thereby breaching articles 3, 5 & 6 of ECHR and imposing a de-facto death sentence, without due process, while innocent until proven guilty.

The social platform also seeks to ensure that every woman with breast cancer in prison has access to a specialist breast cancer nurse, nutritionist, appropriate food and supplements, and access to the treatment and support that would be available in the community. 

It is not just Farah but many other women like her who can find justice from the court and proceed with medical treatment without legal hassle and expenditure.

The View Magazine is best known as a social enterprise platform that fights for women in the Justice System. It publishes a quarterly magazine and hosts the Rebel Justice Podcast, which advocates for distressed women.

Their strategies of peaceful protest for women ensure they are celebrated, respected, and treated with love and dignity everywhere within the justice system. 

Visit http://www.theviewmag.org.uk for more.

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Source :The View Magazine

This article was originally published by IssueWire. Read the original article here.


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