66 Year Old Man Needs Help Getting Back On His Feet GoFundMe Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign CrowdFundingExposure.com
My Go Fund Me campaign URL is https://www.gofundme.com/66yearoldmanneedshelpgettingbackonfeet, and the you tube video posted there, https://youtu.be/nO6Gp3g59_E, details what is needed to help me get back on my feet.
After struggling for 5 years now, the base foundation work needed to have me get my life back on track is in place, but more work needs get accomplished. 3 separate areas of medical help, eye care, hearing loss whereby now need hearing aids, plus dental work. In addition, car repairs need be done. Credit cards need be paid off, plus money needed to supplement my meager Social Security retirement benefits.
When this problem began, it was back in the year 2012, and I was not eligible for Social Security back then. However, those retirement benefits helped begin my recovery process. But to get through the most difficult times, running up credit card debt helped me survive.
Because of the 3 medical issues, getting employment has been most difficult. Now in fixing all these issues, plus my recovery efforts thus far, I am confident I can get meaningful employment once again.