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8-Bit Annual 2019 (Hardback) KickStarter ViralExposure Booster Campaign

8-Bit Annual 2019 celebrates new games for old hardware in an eye-dazzling 200+ page, full colour annual.

After a successful Kickstarter for 8-Bit Annual 2018, we’re back, this time with even more reviews, interviews and unique feature articles. We will be reviewing hundreds of recently released games for popular 8-Bit systems such as the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, MSX, Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-Bit, BBC Micro, Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Master System.

The annual will be printed to a high standard, with good quality paper. It will be A4 in size with a strong hardback cover.

* Hundreds of new games for old hardware reviewed.
* Exclusive Interviews with the people behind the games plus more!
* All new content, never before seen.
* 9 out of 9 Successful Kickstarter projects under our belts!
* Guaranteed to be over 200 pages, make it the biggest retro annual available.


8-Bit Annual 2019 celebrates new games for old hardware in an eye-dazzling 200+ page, full colour annual.

After a successful Kickstarter for 8-Bit Annual 2018, we’re back, this time with even more reviews, interviews and unique feature articles. We will be reviewing hundreds of recently released games for popular 8-Bit systems such as the Commodore 64, ZX Spectrum, MSX, Amstrad CPC, Atari 8-Bit, BBC Micro, Nintendo Entertainment System and the Sega Master System.

The annual will be printed to a high standard, with good quality paper. It will be A4 in size with a strong hardback cover.

  • Hundreds of new games for old hardware reviewed.
  • Exclusive Interviews with the people behind the games plus more!
  • All new content, never before seen.
  • 9 out of 9 Successful Kickstarter projects under our belts!
  • Guaranteed to be over 200 pages, make it the biggest retro annual available.
8-Bit Annual 2019.
8-Bit Annual 2019.

Here are just a sample of the epic perks available:

Epic T-Shirt! (different sizes available).
Epic T-Shirt! (different sizes available).
8-Bit Game Dev DVD
8-Bit Game Dev DVD
The Epic Shoulder Blade: Overdrive MSX Cartridge, front and back box artwork from Matra Software.
The Epic Shoulder Blade: Overdrive MSX Cartridge, front and back box artwork from Matra Software.
The Shoulder Blade: Overdrive Cartridge.
The Shoulder Blade: Overdrive Cartridge.
... just some of the epic posters!
… just some of the epic posters!
Inq & Suq vs Nightmare Poster.
Inq & Suq vs Nightmare Poster.
Shoulder Blade: Overdrive poster.
Shoulder Blade: Overdrive poster.
Xspelunker poster.
Xspelunker poster.
The 3rd Anniversary Compilation Cassette
The 3rd Anniversary Compilation Cassette

The amount of content in the annual will truly be Epic! With even more reviews, interviews and featured articles than the mega 2018 annual, even world class speed readers will have trouble reading this in a short amount of time.

Features: Rick Dickinson Tribute, 8-Bit Annual Dev Contest 2018, ZX Spectrum World, Pixel Art by Andy Green, Amstrad CPC Chess via Lan / Online, Juan J. Martinez (multiple format 8-Bit games), Amstrad CPC Collectors Cabins, The BASIC 10 liner Contest 2018, Delta 4, Atari Games in Tesla Cars.   

Atari games in Tesla cars, just two pages out of hundreds!
Atari games in Tesla cars, just two pages out of hundreds!

Interviews: Mark Nunam (Abbex Games), Richard Broadhurst, Paul Rose (Mr. Biffo of Digitiser fame), Andrew Darovich and Paul Weller (Aetherbyte Studios),  Nobuaki Washio  (GW’S Workshop), Soren Borgquist (Spectrum games), Andy Johns (Nixy: The Glade Sprite), The Shadows of Sergoth coding team, Clive Townsend (of Saboteur fame), Mark Hardisty (author of the definitive Gremlin Graphics book!), CPC Retro Dev interviews, Carolos Pérez Peregrin (winner of #CPCRetrodev2018), Antonio Savona  (L’AbbayeDesMorts on C64), Carl-Henrik Skårstedt, Sarah Jane Avory (writer and coder of Briley Witch books and C64 game).  

One of the many interviews with the people behind the games.
One of the many interviews with the people behind the games.


Commodore 64: Shadow Switcher, Aviator Arcade II, L’Abbaye Des Morts, Space Monguls, Counterweight Kate, Farming Simulator C64, Hunter’s Moon Remastered, Mono, Organism, Pains ‘N’ Aches, Rocky Memphis & The Legend of Atlantis, Single Button Games Collection, Steel Ranger, Sydney Hunter & The Sacred Tribe, Yoomp! 64, Basic Ball, El Loco Challenge, Kung Fu Pixel, Dangerous Sports – Deadly Sports, Downhill Challenge, Beechings Golf & Country Club, SAFTS – Spin All Four Table Soccer, Algol, Atom Heart, Battle in the Woods, Ceti 21, Dreamworld, Electric Warrior, Moon Over Afghanistan, Penzer Patty’s Pink Tank Adventure, The Last Hugger, Valkyrie 3 – The Night Witch, 4K Coding Competition, Mashed Turtles, Schlimeisch Mania II, The Walking Death – Party Version, Bintris, Block Copy RX, Fallout Hacker, Flappy Typing, Knight Lore, Maze of Death, Quad Core 64, Rogue Ninja, Arhena the Amazon – Special Edition, Crank Crank Revolution, Digger, Hibernayed 1: This Place is Death, Iceblox Plus, International Karate Ultimate, Paranoids, Portal C64, Rent-A-Cop Reloaded, Sky Diving, Soccer War, Speedball Duology, Tetrix MP V1.2, Tower of Rubble, Trolly Follies, XXV.  

Shadow Switcher for the Commodore 64.
Shadow Switcher for the Commodore 64.

ZX Spectrum: Ninja Gaiden: Shadow Warriors, Gimmick! Yumetaro Odyssey, Gandalf, Roust, The Adventures of Jane Jelly: The Egg Diamond, Jet Set 40-40, Harbinger 2: The Void, SQIJ 2018, Nixy: The Glade Sprite, Eurostriker, O.P.Z, All Hallows – Rise of the Pumpkin, Bobby Carrot, Max Pickles Part 1 – The Haunted Castle, Astrosmash ZX, Prospector, Night Stalker ZX, Mister King-Fu, Elon M With a Jetpack, Quahappy, Parachute, Tank 1990, Dungeon Raiders, Mighty Final Fight, Castle of Sorrow, Mike The Guitar, Rubicon, ROVR, Aeon, Escape From The Sewers, Fantasy Zone: Escape From The Pyramid, Pietro Bros, Gimme Bright, Pentacorn Quest, That Sinking Feeling, Baby Monkey Alba, Skyscraper of Doom, Retro Invaders, Left Behind, Eggsterminator, Robots Rumble, Inertia. Rodman (also for Amstrad CPC, Commodore 16, Commodore 64, Commodore VIC 20, Atari 8-Bit, Oric and MSX). 

Gandalf and Roust for the ZX Spectrum.
Gandalf and Roust for the ZX Spectrum.

Amstrad CPC: Space Phantom, Pink Pills, Mike the Guitar, Earth Defender, Top Top, Dawn of Kernel, World War Simulator Part 2, Galactic Tomb, Robbie Strikes Back, The Shadows of Sergoth, Operation Alexandria, Jarlac, Legend of Steel, The adventures of Timothy Gunn, OPQA Vs QAOP: The Final Battle, 77 Attempts, Foosball F3, Deeper Warrens, The Rookie Thief, Crimson Kinght Adventures, Harvest Day, Red Sea, Earth Defender, Snake Bubble, The Last Debt, Kimohiyoko, The Spirit of Halloween, The Crypt, Cannon Duels, Space Cowboy, Indigo Game, Bring RG Back, Overheap, Turtle Slam, Space Ball, Elfo Saves Christmas, Two Finger Death Row, Cat Pang, Fitzroy and the Infestation, Cuchara Volador, Bank AC Returns, Hack Tank, Lunatic, Tank, Invade Space, Penalty Kicks, Killing Machine, Disassembler, Crocker, 18th Century Invaders.  

Dawn of Kernel for the Amstrad CPC.
Dawn of Kernel for the Amstrad CPC.

MSX: Tragical Chase, Inq and Suq vs Nightmare, Draconic Throne, Wu-m, 50 Metres, Buddhagillie, Bumper Ship Racing, Burn Us, Inferno, MayQ Buster, Shoulder Blade Overdrive, Svetlan A7, Virus LQP-79, Z, ド (Do).  

Atari 8-Bit: Stunt Car Racer, Jack the Nipper, Skooldaze.  

BBC Micro: Prince of Persia, Phoenix, Centipede, Maze of Madness, The Darkness of Raven Wood.  

Atari 2600: Alf, Alien Attack, Mappy, Asteroid Rescue, Alien Revenge, Asteroid Belt, Astronomer, Baby, High Score Screen Burn Slow Burn, NeXion 3D, Pickle, Robo-Ninja Climb, Scramble, Skee-Ball, Space Game, Super Cobra Arcade, Tyre Trax, Spies in the Night, Balloon Trip, Plague, Sword of Surtr, Birds and Beans, Beeware, Sheep It Up, Dungeon II: Solstice, Monkey King, Peril, Knight Guy.

Sega Master System: Flight of Pigarus, Gemitas, Little Sokoban, Silver Valley, Prisonnier II, Galactic Revenge.  

Nintendo Entertainment System: Nova The Squirrel, Cheril the Writer, Yun V5.

… and a few more, if we can fit them in 🙂

Here goes the stretch goals…

€10,000: Everyone receives a sticker pack!

€12,000: Extra 20 pages in the annual!

€17,000: An extra poster for everyone!

€22,000: Another poster, this time, it’s your choice!

8-Bit Annual 2018 is something we’re extremely proud of, and we are excited to do even better with the 2019 annual.  Below you will find an unboxing video from well known retro game reviewer, Andrew Fisher. Inside you can see not only how big the annual is but the amount of work that has gone into making it and the care and professionalism taken throughout.

NOTE: You can still get the 2018 annual in PDF format at our website

We want to thank everyone who has supported this project, including the writers, researchers, Matra (MSX gear), Andy Johns (Nixy: The Glade Sprite), Dr Wuro Industries (Shadow Switcher), Artist Trevor Storey (smila) Jason Mackenzie of Psytronik (Atlantis Poster) and Salvatore Cantero (Robbie Strikes Back). Also, a mega thank you to LOBO for the artwork on the cover of the annual as well as many of the posters.


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