Childbirth at 40 struggling at 50 GoFundME
I was an exceptional woman with success before marriage. Suffered years of mental, physical. Pregnancy at 40 rough. They wanted me to abort her. I was kept in the hospital last trimester.
I have lupus, asthma and insulin diabetic. While pregnant I had heart failure, lung failure, heart failure, kidney failure and fluid building constantly. Never fully recovered. Post Par tum Depression. When divorce started ex husband cancelled my health insurance, made many claims later proven false.
By trial I was deteriorated. They allowed him custody and he then took of to Utah with her. I have some contact and because of him we need supervisors at $50 an hour.
The threats and reama always begins. As long as he can trigger me or ruin me I will never get joint custody. cannot afford all of the medical, legal, child support. I need help.