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Dalai Lama Protested by Hundreds of Tibetan and Western Buddhists in Philadelphia – Demonstrations Highlight Dalai Lama’s Persecution of Thousands of Tibetan-Exile Citizens

2008-07-14 02:00:00

The Western Shugden Society (WSS) along with hundreds of Tibetan and Western monks, nuns and others will be protesting the Dalai Lama outside the Kimmel Center this Wednesday. The protestors who have traveled from over 18 different countries hope to shed light on a wealth of evidence and first hand testimony available showing the Dalai Lama’s current and aggressive acts of religious persecution through ban on a 400-year old mainstream prayer to the Buddhist Deity Dorje Shugden, including a campaign of forced segregation and denial of basic human rights such as food and medical treatment. The protesters will be greeting the Dalai Lama and the 2000 others attending his public talk with colorful banners and loud persistent chants.

Philadelphia, PA (EMWNews) July 14, 2008 — July 16, 2008, 11:30-4:00pm, Kimmel Center, 300 South Broad Street.

The Western Shugden Society (WSS) along with hundreds of Tibetan and Western monks, nuns and others will be protesting the Dalai Lama outside the Kimmel Center this Wednesday. The protestors who have traveled from over 18 different countries hope to shed light on a wealth of evidence and first hand testimony available showing the Dalai Lama’s current and aggressive acts of religious persecution through ban on a 400-year old mainstream prayer to the Buddhist Deity Dorje Shugden, including a campaign of forced segregation and denial of basic human rights such as food and medical treatment. The protesters will be greeting the Dalai Lama and the 2000 others attending his public talk with colorful banners and loud persistent chants.

Buddhist nun Kelsang Pema, spokesperson of the Western Shugden Society (WSS), an umbrella organization made up of Shugden practitioners from many Buddhist traditions, explains:

“The Dalai Lama, the worlds most famous Buddhist, is suppressing religious freedom which is resulting in the persecution, abuse and physical harm of Buddhists worldwide.

The Dalai Lama has banned and condemned a 400 year-old Buddhist prayer which he himself engaged in up until he was 40 and was taught by his teacher. The prayer and its commentaries simply encourage people to develop virtuous minds of love, compassion and spiritual protection; millions of Buddhists throughout the world engage in this ancient and well-loved practice.

As the political leader of the Tibetan Government-in-exile he has a duty to care for his people and yet he is causing division, hardship and confusion. And as a spiritual teacher he has a duty to embody what he teaches yet his actions contradict the beautiful words he uses.”

The aim of the WSS is to have the Dalai Lama lift the ban on the prayer so that the millions of practitioners across the world can live again without fear or harassment.

For further information, visit


Kelsang Thubchen    845-856-5102

Shelley Tanner 845-856-5102 or (cell) 917-620-2598

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