My Daughter Needs Cancer Surgery GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign
My name is Gabriel Madrigal. I’ve spent the better part of the past five years working to solve The Dissapearance of Natalee Holloway. Two years ago, my 24 year-old daughter, Cynthia, developed a vaginal tumor. When the doctors removed it, the tumor was the size of a walnut. My whole family prayed it would not return.
Over the past six months, when I was filming the series, traveling back and forth to Aruba multiple times, my daughter’s cancer returned with a vengeance — only she refused to tell me because she feared it would interfere with my work.
The cancer is malignant and has grown to the size of an orange. Cynthia can no longer walk without excruciating pain. She has no insurance, and cannot afford the $50,000 for medical treatment and surgery desperately needed to save her life.
My work on the show was a humanitarian effort for Dave Holloway, who himself has spent all of his own savings to find Natalee for the past twelve years. My efforts on the series has been unpaid. I never imagined it would take this long, and cost me all of my savings, rather than take care of my family’s basic needs for medical care.
I’ve been sending all of the money I’ve been able to earn to my daughter, as she can no longer work. I’ve pleaded for assistance with my contact at the network, but have merely been reassured, “Don’t worry, Gabriel. Just hang in there.” I simply can’t wait any longer.
I’ve now turned to the internet for help as a last resort. I have many friends on Facebook who can attest to who I am, and others I’ve helped over the years. It pains me to put up this page, but my daughter’s life is now on the line. If you are able to help my daughter, I would be forever grateful.
UPDATE: If things weren’t bad enough, I just received an Eviction Notice to pay $2,000 by this Wednesday or my family will also be homeless. I put this under a Wish List item so you can designate a donation for our rent, separate from funds for my daughter’s treatment.
If you wish to donate by PayPal, my direct link is