Crowd Funding News

Eddie Betancourt JR Funeral Fund GoFundME CrowdFunding Exposure Campaign

I just want people to be more aware of mental health issues.My son committed suicide while he was in prison and they did nothing to help him.They just put him in the hole.I want to sue the prison that let my son die , when he was asking for help. In prison or out of prison mental health problems are very real and serious.people need to step up on this issue.


My son  Eddie Betancourt JR just passed away September 29 .He was incarcerated in California  at the age of 18 for a life sentence, they say he committed suicide this morning . There are no words to describe how I feel.I just hope I can be able to transfer his body back home here with me and give him a proper burial. Me and  the family really thank you for your help.

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