Business News

Examine the Production, Market and Benchmarking of Glucosamine in China

2008-08-19 10:01:00

LONDON, UNITED KINGDOM–(EMWNews – Aug. 19, 2008) – announces that a new market research report related to the China industry is available in its catalogue.

Production, Market and Benchmarking of Glucosamine in China

As a major glucosamine supplier in the world, China exports about 80% of its glucosamine output to overeseas market, with the major destinations being the US, Europe, South Korea, Japan and other countries and regions. In recent years, China’s glucosamine output and export have been growing very fast both with the annual growth rate of about 10%, and the capacity grows even faster than the output. The production of glucosamine in China is gradually concentrating to big players and the coastal areas. And in recent two years, the number of manufacturers has been decreasing, while the average capactiy of each producer in China has a considerable increase, 90% more in 2008 than that in 2005.

The glucosamine industry in China is highly subject to the supply of raw materials. In this report, the raw materials supply situation is investigated. In China, glucosamine is maily produced from shell of shrimp & lobster, and chitosan is mainly produced from the imported raw materials, snow crab shell. Research on Chitosan is included in this report.

The basic data related to import/export, output, capacity, consumption, demand, etc.are presented in this report and the active manufacturer profiles are also included. The data are breakdown by GAH, GAS and NAG.

A benchmarking study of Glucosamnine in China is also included in this report. Cost analysis on different species of GAS, GAH and NAG are presented. This report inlcudes the theoreatical analysis and the case study on the manufacturer Zhejiang Golden-shell, the leading manufacturer of Glucosamine in China.

Liaoning Dalian Lijian Bio-technology Co., Ltd.; Zhejiang Hangzhou Damei Chemical Co., Ltd.;Fujian Xiamen Blue Bay Science & Technology Co., Ltd.; Zhejiang Taizhou Fuda Oceanic Biochemical Industry Co.,Ltd.; Zhejiang Yongyue Ocean Biological Co., Ltd.


Executive Summary


I Production & Market Information

I-1 Introduction of Glucosamine

I-2 Development Situation of Glucosamine in China

I-3 Current Situation of Glucosamine in China

I-3.1 Summary of Chinese Glucosamine Manufacturers in 2008

I-3.2 Product Species

I-3.3 Production Producers & Distribution

I-3.4 About Raw Material Supply

I-3.5 Import & Export Situation

I-3.6 Impact of Ban from European Union

I-4 Brief Introduction of the Situation of Glucosamine Sulfate &

 Its Salts

I-4.1 About Glucosamine Sulfate

I-4.2 About Glucosamine Sulfate Salts

I-5 Trade Situation of Glucosamine in China

I-5.1 Explanation

I-5.2 Export Situation in 2002

I-5.3 Export Situation in 2003

I-5.4 Export Situation in 2004

I-5.5 Export Situation in 2007

1-6 Consumption Pattern and Situation in Each Segment

I-7 Pricing of Glucosamine in the Past

I-8 Technology Information of Glucosamine Production

I-9 Feasibility of Glucosamine Production

I-9.1 Analysis on Market Opportunity in China

I-9.2 Investment Estimation

I-10 Situation of Chitin and Chitosan

I-11 Future Perspective of Glucosamine in China to 2015

I-11.1 Species

I-11.2 Supply and Demand 

I-11.3 Price

I-11.4 Export

I-11.5 Raw Material Supply

I-11.6 Consumption

I-12 Conclusion

I-13 Suggestions & Recommendations

II Benchmarking of Glucosaming in China

II-1 Production Cost of Glucosamine Hydrochloride in China

II-1-1 Brief Description of the Production Process

II-1-2 Flow Chart of Glucosamine Hydrochloride Production

II-1-3 Theoretical Model of Raw Material

II-1-4 Estimation on the Cost of Glucosamine Hydrochloride Production

II-1-4.1 Estimation on Raw Material Cost 

II-1-4.2 Estimation on Manufacturing Cost 

II-1-4.3 Estimation on Management Cost 

II-1-4.4 Estimation on Total Production Cost 

II-1-5 Estimation on Profit in Chinese Manufacturers 

II-1-5.1 Some Background Information

II-1-5.2 Profit Estimation in China Manufacturers

II-2 Production Cost of Glucosamine Sulfate in China

II-2-1 Brief Description of the Production Process

II-2-2 Flow Chart of Glucosamine Sulfate Production

II-2-3 Estimation on the Cost and Profit of Glucosamine Sulfate


II-3 Production cost of N-Acetyl-Glucosamine in China

II-3-1 Brief Description of the Production Process

II-3-2 Flow Chart of N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Production

II-3-3 Theoretical Model of Raw Material

II-3-4 Estimation on the Cost of N-Acetyl-Glucosamine Production

II-3-4.1 Estimation on Raw Material Cost

II-3-4.2 Estimation on Manufacturing Cost

II-3-4.3 Estimation on Management Cost

II-3-4.4 Estimation on Total Production Cost

II-3-5 Estimation on Profit in Chinese Manufacturers

II-4 Shipping Cost of Export Glucosamine to Europe or USA

II-5 Profit Estimation in Zhejiang Golden-shell Manufacturer

II-6 Findings and Conclusion 

III Situation of Chinese Manufacturers in 2008

III-1 Active Manufacturers

III-1-1 Newly discovered in 2008

III-1-1.1 Liaoning Dalian Lijian Bio-technology Co., Ltd.

 (Dalian Xindie Chitin Co., Ltd.)


III-1-1.3 Fujian Xiamen Blue Bay Science & Technology Co., Ltd.

III-1-2 Found in 2005

III-1-2.1 Zhejiang Taizhou Fuda Oceanic Biochemical

 Industry Co.,Ltd


III-1-2.6 Shandong Jinan Haidebei Marine Bioenineeing Co., Ltd.

III-1-3 Found in 2003

III-1-3.1 Shandong DongYing Development Zone Marine

 Biochemical Co., Ltd.


III-1-3.18 Jiangxi Dexing Yinhai Biochemical Industry Co., Ltd.


Table I-1-1 Properties of glucosamine hydrochloride 

Table I-2-1 Capacity development of Glucosamine in China,


Table I-3.1-1 Basic info of active glucosamine manufacturers in

 China 2008

Table I-3.2-2 Glucosamine production situation of the active

 manufacturers in China, 2008, tonnes 

Table I-3.2-3 Summary of the active manufacturers in China,

 2008, tonne 

Table I-3.3-4 Summary of glucosamine manufacturers that stopped or

 out of contact, 2008

Table I-3.2-1 Number of GAH, GAS and NAG manufacturers in China,


Tabel I-3.2-1 Comparison of product from Fujian Blue Bay with other

 domestic and foreign products 

Table I-3.3-1 Distribution of glucosamines manufacturers in China,


Table I-3.3-2 Summary of production & distribution of glucosamines

 manufacturers in 2005 and before

Table I-5.2-1 Destination of Chinese glucosamine in 2002 (Unit: kg)

Table I-5.2-2 Active exporters of glucosamine in 2002 (Unit: kg) 

Table I-5.3-1 Export Destinations of glucosamine in 2003 (Unit: kg)

Table I-5.3-2 Active Exporters of Glucosamine in 2003 kg

Table I-5.4-1 Export Destinations of Glucosamine in 2004, kg

Table I-5.4-2 Exporters of Glucosamine in 2004, kg

Table I-5.5-1 Export volume and price of GAH, GAS and NAG in 2007,

 kg, USD/kg

Table I-5.5-2 Export destinations and price of GAH, GAS and NAG in

 2007, kg, USD/kg

Table I-5.5-3 Export situation of glucosamine by the manufacturers in

 2007, kg, USD/kg

Table I-5.5-4 Export situation of glucosamine by the exporters (trader)

 in 2007, kg, USD/kg 

Table I-6-1 Consumption of glucosamine products produced in

 China, 2007.

Table I-7-1 pricing of Glucosamine products in China, in the end of

 April 2008, RMB/kg

Table I-7-2 Price of glucosamine HCL in the past 

Table I-7-3 Price of glucosamine sulfate in the past

Table I-9.2-1 Product Quality Indicator of glucosamine HCL

Table I-10.2-1 Specifications of different chitosan grades in China

Table I-10.2-2 The Manufacturers, Volumes and Prices of Chitosan in

 China in 2003

Table I-10.2-3 The Manufacturers, Volumes and Prices of Chitosan in

 China in 2004

Table 1-10.2-4 The Manufacturers, capacity, output and

 Prices of Chitosan Producers, 2008

Table 1-10.2-5 The Export Quantity and Price of Chitosan in

 China from July 2003 to March 2005

Table 1-10.2-6 Export volume and price of chitosan in 2007

Table 1-10.2-7 Export destination and price of chitosan in 2007

Table 1-10.2-8 Export situation of chitosan by the manufacturers

 in 2007

Table 1-10.2-9 The export situation of glucosamine by exporters

 (trader) in 2007. 

Table I-11.2-1 Glucosamines market development in the past and in

 the future (2009-2015)

Table II-1-3-1 Theoretical consumption of raw materials to

 produce chitin(i) (industrial grade) from shell

Table II-1-3-2 Theoretical consumption of raw materials to produce

 glucosamine hydrochloride(i) from chitin

Table II-1-4.1-1 Estimation on the cost of raw materials to produce

 chitin (industrial grade) from shell

Table II-1-4.1-2 Estimation on the cost of raw materials to produce

 glucosamine hydrochloride from chitin

Table II-1-4.1-3 Estimation on the cost of raw materials to produce

 glucosamine hydrochloride from chitin 

Table II-1-4.1-4 Cost structure of raw materials in producing

 glucosamine hydrochloride from chitin 

Table II-1-4.2-1 Estimation on manufacturing cost in producing

 glucosamine hydrochloride from chitin 

Table II-1-4.4-1 Estimation on the total production cost of

 glucosamine hydrochloride (Time: June-06)

Table II-1-5.2-1 The profit estimation on producing glucosamine

 hydrochloride from chitin

Table II-2-3-1 Estimation on the cost of raw materials to produce

 glucosamine sulfate from chitin

Table II-2-3-2 Estimation on manufacturing cost in producing

 glucosamine sulfate from chitin 

Table II-2-3-3 Estimation on total production cost of

 glucosamine sulfate

Table II-2-3-4 The profit estimation of producing

 glucosamine sulfate from chitin in China

Table II-3 -3-1Theoretical consumption of raw materials to produce


Table II-3 -4.1-1 Estimation on the cost of raw materials to produce

 N-Acetyl-Glucosamine from Glucosamine hydrochloride

Table II-3 -4.1-2 Cost structure of raw materials in producing

 N-Acetyl-Glucosamine from Glucosamine hydrochloride in April 2008

Table II-3 -4.1-3 Cost structure of raw materials in producing

 N-Acetyl-Glucosamine from chitin

Table II-3-4.2 -1 Estimation on manufacturing cost in producing

 N-Acetyl-Glucosamine from chitin 

Table II-3-4.4-1 Estimation on total production cost of


Table II-3-5-1 The profit estimation of producing

 N-Acetyl-Glucosamine from chitin

Table II-5 -1 Estimation on the cost of raw materials to produce

 Glucosamine Hydrochloride

Table II-5-2 Estimation on the cost of raw materials to produce

 Glucosamine Sulfate

Table II-5-3 Estimation on the cost of raw materials to produce


Table II-5-4 Estimation on manufacturing cost in producing

 Glucosamine Products

Table II-5-5 Estimation on total production cost of

 Glucosamine Products

Table II-5-6 The profit estimation of producing

 Glucosamine Products


Figure I-2-1 Output of Glucosamine in China, 2002-2007, tonne

Figure I-3.2-1 Capacity of GAH, GAS and NAG in China, 2008, t/a

Figure I-3.2-2 Output of GAH, GAS and NAG in China, 2007, tonne

Figure I-5-1 Export situation of Glucosamine in China, 2002-2007 

Figure I-5-2 Export price of GAH, GAS, NAG and chitosan in 2007, USD/kg

Figure I-5-3 Export destinations of glucosamine in 2007, %

Figure I-10.2-1 Export destinations of chitosan in 2007, %

Figure I-11.2-1 Output, export and domestic demand for Glucosamines in

 China, 2008-2015, tonnes

To order this report:

Production, Market and Benchmarking of Glucosamine in China

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