
GoFundMe/Help Me Get Home GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign CrowdFundingExposure Viral Exposure

I am trying to raise enough money to buy a car to get myself & my cat,Jazmin back home to California. We are currently stranded in Marianna Fl, living in an RV that broke down on me on the way home. I am on a very small fixed income, and can’t afford to get the RV repaired, or airfare to get us to California. We have been stuck here for the last 3 months. People keep telling me to leave my cat Jazmin, and take a bus home. That is just something I CANNOT do. I don’t know anyone in Florida, have no transportation, and need desperately to make it home to people I love for the Holidays. I also need the far more extensive help provided in California, such as benefits for the disabled, housing & medical care. I am a disabled 62 year old woman who is struggling with depression while trying to make ends meet. and provide for myself & my cat in a remote location with no bus lines, no taxi service, and quite frankly, very few resources here. I truly DREAD the thought of not making it home to a place where I know people, can get the help I need, and being alone here for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Any help that I receive will be paid forward with a loving, generous spirit. Won’t you please help us get home? Thank you in advance..Rayonne & Jazmin

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