Crowd Funding News

Help a friend start a family.

Hello everyone. I wish to share this fundraiser with you as it is a matter which is very important to me. I have a very close friend who has not had the life she always dreamed of. At a very young age, she was diagnosed with cancer, and when all treatments were said and done, she did end up beating it. However, the toll on her body was harsh. She was told that if she didn’t have children before adulthood, she would never be able to conceive. So she has spent most of her adult life watching her friends and siblings all start a family of their own.

I started this campaign to help raise funds to offset the cost of either adoption or getting a surrogate. Any amount you can spare would be greatly appreciated. If I can find 20,000 people to donate even a dollar, I will be able to meet the goal and help her get the ball rolling on hopefully getting her the family she has always wanted.

However, if you are not able to spare anything at this time, would you please consider sharing this within all of your circles? I feel this goal can be met and then we can help her find her smile again.

Please support this campaign on GoFundMe at

Thank you all for your time and generosity.

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