Help Alexander Stand Again GoFundME ViralExposure Booster Campaign


Alexandru is a young man full of energy, with a very active life style, with lots of plans and aspirations for the future. He is always there when needed, or better said ,he was.

In August 2018, three weeks before he turned 25, his life changed dramatically. Following a dive that went wrong Alexandru fractured his spine. Diagnostic – traumatic lesion of the cervical spinal cord. The unfortunate dive left him paralysed  from chest down. Being bed bound brings infections, complications.
Alexandru starts the battle for his life, which lasts two month. Helped by the doctors, he wins this battle. BUT HE REMAINS PARALYSED.

We begin searching for the best treatment options. After a thorough investigation of his medical file, a team from Unique Access Medical Clinique from Bangkok, Thailand accepts him for treatment, offering him the chance to recover by implanting him a portable electro stimulation unit + stem cells.

The price of this treatment is huge – $92 000.
We really can’t afford this amount, is enormous…

We are helpless in front of this amount, which is why I am writing here, on this page. I never thought I will have to do this, but every $1 means a step forward towards Alexandru s recovery.

If every one of us would help with one little step and we would be 92 000, we could help Alexandru walk again and regain his health!

Just together we can offer Alexandru the chance to stand on his own feet again, which is only a dream for him now.
We are extremely grateful for any of your help, wish you a good health everyone!


For more info: http://