
Help Charisse Get To Melbourne GoFundMe Promotion Free CrowdFunding Exposure

My name is Charisse, I am 25 years old and I have been accepted to study a Bachelor of Commercial Interior Design at Billy Blue College of Design in Melbourne.

Recently I have been through quite a bit trying to relocate. I discovered my rental property was a scam, I lost 4 weeks worth of rent and my whole bond and was unable to move to Melbourne on the expected date of August 4th. I ended up homeless and living with family, unable to pay them anything to even help out.

I had left my job, put in notice for my apartment and booked my flights and the keys for my rental never came and the woman disappeared, I also lost what I paid for my flight and transfers. I have had to completely start over, and thankfully, I am almost back on my feet with the help of my friends and family, especially my Sister and Brother in law for letting me stay with them, and friends supporting me.

I am wondering if you can help me achieve a goal, the money I lost has completely left me shocked, since I left my job I can’t get benefits until I actually start my course and now need to come up with enough money for a new bond, rent and uni materials for my course.

I am starting University on September 19th. Can you please help me?

I am extremely appreciative of anyone who is willing to donate, it will help me so much and ease me out of a bad situation.

I have also decided to donate 10% of anything donated to Beyond Blue.. as they have helped me through this time and previous situations in the past few years. Suffering from depression is hard enough, thankfully they have helped.

Thank you so much 🙂



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