Crowd Funding News

Help get a car Army and I drive for Uber and Lyft

I am in the Army and I drive for Uber and Lyft when I am off. I always like to have a conversation with my passengers everytime I pick them, and that’s how I came to know Ashley. She is a single parent who works 5 days a week and she will like to return to school but has no means of transportation.

Her day begins by dropping off her child at the daycare, next catch an Uber or Lyft ride 35 minutes to her job. After giving her rides on Lyft’s platform for two day. I ask her why doesn’t she drive to work because this must be very expensive paying for a ride daily. Her response was; Sir, I don’t have a car, I live with my Mom, we recently moved into this neighborhood and I don’t want to lose my job since this is the only source of income I have to support my child and myself. I felt move with compassion. I told her occasionally I  will give you rides for free.

I pick her up in morning, we drop her child at the day care and then I drop her off at work. Sometimes I give her rides from works as well. However picking her up is usually a huge problem since I have to bit the traffic in order to be back at work on time as well.

Please I need your help let’s support and suppress Ashley with this Toyota Corolla which I saw on Craigslist for her to be able to realize her dream and be able to return to school for a better tomorrow. Thank you all in advance.

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