Crowd Funding News

Help save a life a broken heart GoFundME CrowdFunding Exposure Campaign

Help save a life a broken heart This is where we write our stories

How? How can I? How can anyone?  Sitting in front of this blank screen, slowly watching words fill this box. I can’t help thinking, of those we have helped, how they might have felt during this process. The swallowing of their pride. The pain and fear driving their fingers towards each key. The swollen watery eyes straining, to see, what’s only inches from them. The broken hearts as they typed their stories.  The fear of their words being inadequate, or maybe being unable to even find the words to say, at all.

How can a few paragraphs, simple words on a screen, even begin to show the value of a life. How can my words, do justice to the worth of this man, his soul, his kindness, his compassion, and most of all, his fight to live .

How can I, even begin to describe our desperation driving each key stroke, my tears between the words and the fate of his life hanging on, each sentence.  How can anyone?

We all know, well, we would like to think we know, that life is short. We say this, all the time, to others, to ourselves. We know this to be true. Yet, we still, somehow, allow ourselves to forget. We allow life to happen. Time runs from us, while regret toward us.   We all become consumed with the day to day, the world moving so rapidly around us. It seems despite all we know, that a tragedy seems to make us really slow down.

Chapter 2 ( a little humor, if you have continued reading)

Juan has always been a quite man. One of few words, yet many smiles. He is a husband, father, brother, son, and most of all a FIGHTER.  Behind the machines and wires, is one of the strongest men, I know. He came to this country thirty years ago with nothing more than a dream.

He has always been a kind and humble man. The kind of man to stop, on a rainy night, and change a stranger’s tire. The kind of man to give money to a friend or stranger, when he had none to give, only to work ten times harder the following week . The kind of man, you are grateful to know and grateful to meet.

Sometimes, despite how strong you are or how humble you live, God has other plans.

Over the last 15 years he has battled some minor and a few major health scares. His faith in god has luckily always carried him and the family through.

In early 2018, while on a trip to Mexico, Juan’s heart began to fail, for good this time. He was rushed to the hospital and treated until they could stabilize him for travel. Upon release from the hospital in Mexico City, Juan returned home, to Tennessee. He immediately began testing.After several test the doctors determined, his heart was tired and only working at 5 percent. To say the last few months have been a roller coaster, would be an understatement.  The bills are coming in faster than Tennessee’s weather changes. The doctors have a course of treatment, well to be honest, it is the only course of treatment. Despite everyone’s best efforts, Juan’s will to live, and all of the prayers, without a pump. This is it.

The doctors have just completed a stress test and have given him a 50/50 shot of survival. He will, if successful, live with an internal pump manually pumping his heart. It will be a long road to recovery and he will, for the remainder of his life , live off battery packs, 18 hours at a time. But he will live.  Without this help, there are no other options. All we can do is hope and pray . We can set up this campaign and hope that the generosity of others still exist. That all the years of giving, will somehow find it’s way back, even if it’s only in prayers or simply sharing this on your social media. We are asking anyone and everyone, to please find it in your hearts. Even if it is a dollar or 5, a prayer, or a share, every little bit helps.  May Juan and the family please be in your hearts and prayers. God bless.


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