I miss my children Scott Privett GoFundME CrowdFundingExposure.com Campaign
To get enough funds together for a lawyer and court fees to allow me to see my kids again. As of right now I haven’t seen my kids in a few years and it’s placed a toll on my life cause I miss them. I was winning and everything was looking great and then it went down hill.
I was given a new judge and guardian ad litem which turn ended up destroying my life. The judge would not see me face to face and the guardian ad litem and my exes lawyer teamed up against me and made my case worse. After a year of fighting to see my kids and my lawyer deciding to quit family practice and go a different direction I lost the battle.
I had no other choice but to back out but when I did I made sure I could come back in and fight to see them again. At this time and then I do and did not have the money to get a new lawyer. I’m looking for help to get a new lawyer and reopen my case.
I can’t live my life anymore without my kids in it. I love them to much and even if it is shared which is fine with me. I just want to see them and hold them again.
I’m asking for help to get that chance.