It’s a scary time in healthcare, there is fear of many losing their insurance.
How can we stabilize healthcare in an unstable environment?
We must try something NEW! We must think out-of-the-box.
Cornerstone Nonprofit Healthcare’s idea:
Tiny House mobile clinics
Through my experience working in several clinics abroad there has been one constant in these developing countries: People work together as a community
I NEED your help to improve our community in the US!
Many areas are in need of better healthcare! Traditional clinics in these areas cannot survive because they have so many monthly bills. So residents must travel to healthcare centers or receive no healthcare. Many have fears of loosing their jobs if they miss work and decide to only be seen if critically ill. By this time many have health conditions that will affect the rest of their lives.
Emergency rooms are used creating financial hardship on our healthcare system.
Cornerstone Nonprofit Healthcare’s Tiny House medical clinic is being developed by motivated individuals wanting to give people another option (not by a big medical company). We want patients and providers to control patient care not business people. We want to keep money in the hands of people.
We cannot do this without YOU!
PLEASE give financial support whether large or small.
Please SHARE! SHARING is vital, this allows us to reach more people within OUR community
Our vision in stages
Stage 1: Build Tiny House mobile clinic, offer more accessible healthcare to refugees and under-served communities, gather data to make model reproducible for other communities
Stage 2: Expand from one Tiny House mobile clinic to several, better serving the community, apply use in disaster sites
Stage 3: Introduce Tiny House clinic to other high need areas
For more information:
All donations through are tax deductible!!
We can be contacted at:
[email protected] @CherisaMFletche
For your gift we want to better involve you in our mission!
all email updates can be opted out of
For Sharing!
You will receive a hand written “Thank You” note, email updates to involve you in our process and your opinions will be considered in creative development decisions.
All donations from $1-$15 (Yes, $1 still helps!):
Handwritten “Thank You” note and Photo gift of the completed Tiny House clinic
Donations $15-$50:
Hand written “Thank You” note, photo gift of Tiny House clinic, email updates to involve you in our process and your opinions will be considered in creative development decisions. AND you can pick:
Your name to be written on the first Tiny House clinic
Your name to be featured on all social sites and our webpage
Booklet featuring Tiny House and how it runs.
Donations $50-$200 will receive:
Hand written “Thank You” note, photo gift of Tiny House clinic, email updates to involve you in our process and your opinions will be considered in creative development decisions. Your name written on Tiny House clinic AND featured on all social sites and webpage AND you can pick:
Your name to be entered into a raffle to attend opening event
Booklet featuring Tiny House and how it runs.
Tour through completed Tiny House
Donations $200 and up will receive:
Everything listed above and invitation to attend opening event!
The largest Donation Made Will Name our First Tiny House clinic
Please notify us of your chosen gratitude gifts!
We can be notified of options through:
Directlyto comments
[email protected]
The Barriers to healthcare
Problem: Most healthcare facilities have high monthly costs to run
Results: More patients need to be seen to be profitable
Answer: Decrease monthly costs in clinics, using a micro-practice model, so patients can be given adequate time for quality care
Problem: Many have a difficult time traveling to affordable nonprofit clinics.
Problem: Building brick-and-mortar clinics in these areas does not prove to be cost effective.
Results: Decrease access to healthcare
Answer: Make healthcare facility mobile to reach more areas
Problem: Many underserved populations perceive healthcare as too expensive at traditional facilities
Results: Patients don’t seek preventative care
Answer: Offer low cost screenings in community areas (churches, centers, schools), easily with mobile healthcare
Problem: Lack of preventative care in underserved areas
Results: Increase in uncontrolled chronic conditions. Costly visits to the ER.
Answer: IMPROVE HEALTHCARE to lessen burden on society and improve quality of life for all