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Innovative New Gym Revolutionizes Exercise after Weight Loss Surgery in Ohio

2008-08-17 02:00:00

Dr. Trace Curry and his expert staff at the Fast Track Metabolic Weight Loss Center in Cincinnati, Ohio opened their doors in April 2008 to fill a gap in the fitness community that often overlooked the needs of the growing number of surgical weight loss patients. Equipped with state of the art ShapeMaster toning equipment, Fast Track offers professionally directed, comprehensive individual programs, which are particularly structured to meet patients’ goals after weight loss surgery.

Cincinnati, OH (EMWNews) August 17, 2008 — Dr. Trace Curry and his expert staff at the Fast Track Metabolic Weight Loss Center in Cincinnati, Ohio opened their doors in April 2008 to fill a gap in the fitness community that often overlooked the needs of the growing number of surgical weight loss patients. Equipped with state of the art ShapeMaster toning equipment, Fast Track offers professionally directed, comprehensive individual programs, which are particularly structured to meet patients’ goals after weight loss surgery.

The Fast Track Metabolic Weight Loss Center offers a one-of-a-kind program encompassing lifestyle, nutrition and exercise plans. The 8000 square-foot facility allows people who have had weight loss surgery in Ohio to share success and maintain health together. More like a support community than a gym, the staff and members often start contests and friendly competitions like their own Fast Track version of “The Biggest Loser.” Registered dieticians and life coaches, several of whom are weight loss surgery patients themselves, provide fun yet effective group exercise, nutrition, and cooking classes. Even the equipment is geared toward weight loss surgery. The ShapeMaster toning equipment means safe, gentle, zero-impact exercises – not the jarring, severe motions of traditional equipment.

Because Dr. Curry, one of the most experienced laparoscopic bariatric surgeons in the country, is the director, the members receive the specialized professional guidance that is simply unavailable at other fitness centers. During their term of membership, Fast Track members who had their surgery with Dr. Curry receive free band adjustments annual upper GI to check band placement, annual BodyGem RMR (resting Metabolic Rate) testing and an additional one year of coverage (from Dr. Curry’s charges only) for any surgical complications. It is not required to have had surgery with Dr. Curry or to have had weight loss surgery at all to be a member.

Deena Humphrey, a Fast Track member, is one of many amazing stories. “Since having my gastric bypass surgery on July 17, 2007 I’ve lost a total of 148 pounds. I was told that it was very important that I have regular exercise. I made sure that I did with aerobics, water aerobics, and walked two miles at least 6 days a week. Dr. Curry and his staff never made me feel like a patient but more like a friend they were helping to reach a goal. Dr. Curry is the best doctor. He sets his patients up for success. ‘If they want to reach their goal he needs to be their doctor,’ this is what I tell my friends.”

The number of people who have weight loss surgery in Ohio and in the rest of the United States has increased ten-fold in the past decade which means there are hundreds of thousands of weight loss surgery patients nationwide. Having surgery is not a quick fix and requires a lifelong commitment to diet exercise, nutrition and healthy choices. The Fast Track Metabolic Weight Loss Center is redefining the way people lose weight after surgery and is bound to be a model for similar centers around the country.

It is open to enrollment for any patient from any surgeon, not just patients of Dr. Curry. For more details call 513-475-3598 or email info @

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Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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