
LilJules Crafts Fundraiser GoFundME Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

I am not able to work a “standard” job due to disabilities.

However I have started working from home using my skills in crochet and knitting to make wearable fashions and home decor items for sale.

I am in need of help with funds to continue purchasing yarn for my creations as well as pay the fees for my Etsy shop to be able to keep it open and running.

I also need funds to continue to purchase patterns for items that are commissioned from me.

Selling my creations will be my only source of income for the moment as I am still in the process of fighting to get my disability from Social Security.

I also intend to take the leftover yarns from the items I create and make items for donating to Wounded Warriors and to the NICU for preemies.

However none of this will be possible without help from people who care and are willing to help me.

I greatly appreciate any and all help.

If you cant donate money but have yarn or craft items you want to get rid of I will gladly take those as well.


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