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Music Mogul Jay-Z Quoted in COVID-19 Pandemic Recovery Plan at U.S. Supreme Court

Washington, D.C.  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE /EMWNews/  April 17, 2020 – Last week, a lobbyist from Capitol Hill pending a ‘year-long-awaited’ criminal appeal court decision, while at FDC SeaTac (federal detention center), filed legal papers to the United States Supreme Court and U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit with a federal question on free-speech and lobbying rights, quoting lyrics from music mogul (rapper) Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter, in a handwritten legal memo to Chief Justice John Roberts, demonstrating how his bill proposition, entitled “S.A.F.E. Pass & Test Program”– a COVID-19 Crisis “interlocutory” program (said to be an efficient, scalable, and non-evasive plan for testing and monitoring civilians), lobbied to Congress earlier this month, in efforts to jump-start the American economy and global workforce– should be allowed under particular Acts of Congress and the First Amendment of the Constitution, despite Federal Bureau of Prisons’ sanctions that have prohibited his lobbying activities protected under Title 2, U.S. Code 1607(b), as previously disputed in the court by Peterson.

Cary Lee Peterson (40), a self-described political prisoner– who court papers disclosed as a minimum-security prisoner who has been on “24-7 lockdown” under maximum-security conditions, due to the coronavirus emergency measures invoked by the federal prison system (since the first week of March), while pending a federal appellate court decision on whether (or not) to overturn his criminal conviction on similar securities fraud charges that were ‘terminated’ last year, in another federal case (Securities and Exchange Commission v. RVPlus Inc., et al., U.S., N.J. 2016) [referred to as a ‘parallel action’] by the same federal district court that sentenced him to 52 months for securities fraud allegations tied to a penny stock company– submitted a federal question to U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roberts, that included nearly two dozen (handwritten) “legal journal” memorandum notes, containing a “fiscally viable” (band-aid) proposal, addressed to the secretary and clerk of United States Congress, filed under Peterson’s (still active) lobbyist identification number issued by the United States Senate.

The (informal) bill proposition memo from Peterson, who was formerly a New York resident during Hurricane Sandy in 2012, quoted Brooklyn hip-hop music mogul Jay-Z, stating that the U.S. government’s approach re-opening ‘normal business activities’ after the coronavirus pandemic attack last month, was like “bringing a knife to a gun fight” (citing song lyrics from Shawn “Jay-Z” Carter’s song ‘The Takeover’).

Peterson’s detailed legal memo, drafted while in what he referred to is the “SHU” disclosed that the coronavirus pandemic should compared to a computer trojan-worn virus attack, capable of spreading or resurfacing long after passive quarantine measures are completed in society, which are defense-less to civilians without more strict procedures deployed by military and intelligence experts in a expeditious manner to conduct “bag and tag” testing in the community, and thereafter issue “Safe Pass” I.D. cards to civilians to swipe-in and swipe-out upon entry and exit of public buildings.

However, the uniquely drafted legal memo, entitled “S.A.F.E.” (Pass/Test Program)- meaning “Saving America’s Families and Economy” Program- introduced the context of such a program to be used universally, as an efficient and expeditious method to be deployed by military officers, in a ‘fiscally viable and scalable’ procedure to test clear and monitor (post- tested, or infected) private citizens and public workers within the workforce, without violating state and federal privacy laws, as domestically proposed, or (active) foreign government programs would that track and share civilians mobile phone data and user locations.

Peterson, who is a known political advocate for privacy rights, last year, was reported to have filed legal against the Federal Bureau of Investigations for FOIA Act violations, resulting in a legal notice from U.S. Attorney General William Barr’s Office in Peterson’s favor.

Peterson leaves the federal question at Chief Justice Roberts’ courthouse for a judicial decision on his right to be able to lobby the S.A.F.E. Pass Program bill proposition to Congress [i.e., USCA-DC, Case Docket No. 20-5057]; that tie into the dozen or more other cases associated with the privately prosecuted U.S. v. Bet on Bernie Sanders 2016 PAC (Carey Peterson) case; the very related multi-bank data breach case Cary Lee Peterson v. Foster Garvey P.C., et al. (D.C. Cir., D.C.D. 2019), the core-linked securities fraud case Cary Lee Peterson v. RVPlus Inc., et al. (3rd Cir., Delaware 2018); and the newly promulgated revenge suit “Cary Lee Peterson v. USA” (9th Cir. App. 2020).

Legal Notice: This news content was published by an independent journalist, regarding court records pertaining to Cary Lee Peterson [“litigant”], associated with the foregoing (subject-matter). An authorized legal representative of litigant has approved the publisher’s news content pursuant to fair report privilege.

Media Contact
Kirsten Thomas
Freelance Writer and Editor
Press @ EMWNews.com

Related News References:

D.C. Circuit Court Moves Bernie Sanders PAC Ordeal with Ties to COVID-19 Warning to Supreme Court (April 3, 2020)

[***Correction & Update] Bureau of Prisons Continue to Stonewall Political Prisoner Despite Act of Congress (March 22, 2020)

Court order denying release of political prisoner leads to demand for liberty or death sentence (October 15, 2019)

FBI agree to release classified reports on lobbyist tied to Bernie Sanders Scandal (September 25, 2019)

New World Order Politics Video Interview with Cary Lee Peterson

Reference Downloads:

1. http://emwnews.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/29-1-min.pdf
2. https://tinyurl.com/wf8265q
3. https://tinyurl.com/rzy6heb


Tags: Bernie Sanders, Cary Lee Peterson, Christopher Day, Gregg Jaclin, Thomas Klein, Brad Deutsch, Paul J. Fishman, Democratic Party, BAS Broadcasting Ohio, Super PAC Man Cary Peterson, U.S. Politics, Global, Politics, Election 2020, Finance, Banking, Legal

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