
Our Little Angel’s Life GoFundME Viral Exposure Campaign

Hi, my name is Aileen and that is my niece, Brittany in the hospital She has been in the ICU( Intensive Care Unit) since July 17th, 2018 She is our little Angel  She is on a trach, a ventilator,and a feed tube She has cerebral palsy and legally blind, among many other things My sister has taken care of her for the last 23 years.

Brittany has been dependent on my sister for the past 23 years for all of her needs Brittany can’t walk since birth, she is wheelchair bound and hospital bed bound  Brittany can’t talk since birth, she makes sounds My sister fought the whole school board for Brittany through her school years Brittany did graduate high school! My sister took Brittany to Disney World and also to Barney Live (her favorite) among many other places Although Brittany can’t see very well, she can make out images and hear She has recently had to go to the hospital because she had trouble breathing It got worse from there To make a long story short, now the State wants to take Brittany away from her mom( my sister)) and her whole family that she has known for 23 years over something so common.

My sister did the best that she could to take care of my niece and ALWAYS has! We have gone to several attorneys in-between visiting Brittany in the hospital We want to be at the hospital 24-7, but we have to fight for Brittany so they can’t take her away from her family  I’m asking Go Fund Me and the public’s help

PLEASE to help us fight for Brittany or an Attorney in PA to help us PLEASE One attorney quoted us 15,000.00 Another attorney quoted us 20,000.00 I can give you the names of the Attorneys and someone could even pay them directly We have to do something, we can’t lose our little Angel PLEASE HELP if you can afford to God Bless

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