
Princess Annie’s 4th Birthday FREE Crowd Funding Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

I have made a nonrefundable payment down on a room in FL a couple months back when I was working full time. I had hopes of bringing her to DisneyWorld on her actual Birthday.
The place I was working closed down shortly after making the Nonrefundable payment. I thought I’d be able to save up for gas, but my part time job is only covering bills and gas to and from my mom’s Cancer appts. I’ve been a single mom since I got pregnant and I wanted to make her birthday magical. Instead, I’m trying to figure out how we’re even going to afford gas and food for the 4 days were there. I am asking for any type of help. I don’t want to be a total failure and not even be able to get her to FL. If enough $ is raised, I would like to bring her to Disneyworld on Oct. 11, 2017. She turns 4 that day and she deserves so much more than I can give her. Thank you for listening to my story, and thank you for any help you provide. God bless you

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