Rainforest Preservation Project IEENI Global Foundation CrowdFundingExposure.com GoFundME Campaign
IEENI Global Foundation
International Essene Educational Network, Inc.
A Not-for-Profit 501 (C)(3) Corporation
Our Mission is to preserve the Rainforest and Vilcabamba Valley of Ecuador by transforming them into World Heritage Parks. This is a Global Model to protect the world’s food seeds and the lands of Indigenous People in every country.
Our Foundation owns 6 acres
Board of Directors established
We have a land option to buy 400 acres
in Vilcabamba Valley
Phase I: Next 6-12 months
Purchase the 400 acres of land
Our foundation will meet with the
President of Ecuador and submit a
proposal to structure the Rainforest
and Vilcabamba Valley into World
Heritage Parks.
Plant hundreds of fruit trees
Develop Organizational Infrastructure
Marketing and Branding
Architectural/Engineering Plans
Land Project Construction
Development of Agricultural Land
Phase II: Next 12-24 months
Construct a Wellness Eco-Retreat
Build a Green School for Children
and Resident Cottages
Form an Ecuador Foundation
and three for-profit Companies
Phase III: Next 24-36 months
IEENI GLOBAL Project opens for
Wellness Eco-Retreat welcomes
International customers.
Michael Solomon, Founder/President
Manny Aguilar, Vice-President
and Treasurer
Paul L. Warner, Secretary
The President of the foundation is asking for financial donation of seed money to send the Vice President to an International Environmental and Humanitarian conference in the Southwest of the USA.
We are grateful of even the smallest donations.
For a donation of the remaining amount, a sacred tapestry will be gifted to that donor.
Please send whatever amount you are capable of, to make a better world for all of us!
Website: www.ieeniglobal.com