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Richard and Mica Hadar Foundation Announces 2008 Scholarship Recipients

2008-08-20 16:11:00

    NEW YORK, Aug. 20 /EMWNews/ -- The Richard and Mica Hadar

Foundation has chosen 14 New York City area students who will enter college

in September 2008 to be its new scholarship recipients. They join a select

group of close to 200 Hadar Scholars awarded college scholarships since

1993 for their exceptional talent in creative arts, including visual arts,

writing, film, theater, dance, vocal and instrumental performance. Hadar

scholars are guaranteed the scholarship for the four years of college, as

long as they are matriculating. They are also offered assistance with

graduate studies. Hadar scholars are supported through a unique mentoring

program that stresses collaboration with professionals in their field and

with the other scholars. The program includes creative and professional

seminars and workshops, exhibition and publication opportunities, and

special events in various creative fields. Support is given to the scholars

for special summer programs, such as national and international art

festivals, and for other unusual expenses associated with pursuing a career

in the creative arts. Additional support is also given in the form of

stipends for internships which advance the artists' professional training.

    Founder and chairman Richard Hadar said, "It is a pleasure to have such

talented students, so dedicated to their art, join our program. Besides

financial assistance we provide programs designed to help each scholar

achieve success, which is particularly challenging for creative artists.

Our most gratifying moments are when we see our scholars graduate from

college and when we witness their achievements in their careers."

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