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Run the 2020 United Airlines NYC Half for Achilles International Rick Ortiz

New York, NY  January 7th, 2020 /EMWNews / The mission of Achilles International is to empower people with all types of disabilities to participate in mainstream running events in order to promote personal achievement.

Run the 2020 United Airlines NYC Half for Achilles International Rick Ortiz Video

Specialized programs include the Achilles Freedom Team which serves wounded military personnel and veterans; Achilles Kids which provides training, race opportunities, and an in-school program for children with disabilities; the Achilles Para-triathlon Team which expands our running program into biking and swimming; Achilles Chapter workouts, plus our signature race Hope & Possibility which takes place in several cities worldwide.

Achilles International brings the largest field of athletes with disabilities (AWD) to the TCS NYC Marathon and is the recognized authority in shaping  AWD divisions in marathons nationwide.

While our programs focus on running, the truth is, running is simply the tool for accomplishing our main objective: to bring hope, inspiration, and the joys of achievement to all.

Run the 2020 United Airlines NYC Half for Achilles International Rick Ortiz 2


Keywords: NYCRoadRunners, Marathon, CrowdFund, CrowdFunding, Gofundme, fundraising, donations, United Airlines NYC Half for Achilles International, Rick Ortiz, Melissa Ortiz-Feliciano, TCS NYC Marathon, Running, Disabilities 

Media Contact:

Melissa Ortiz-Feliciano
Mortiz138 [@] gmail.com

Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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