Crowd Funding News

Street2School Nigeria GoFundME ViralExposure Booster Campaign

Street2School is a project of Darius Legacy Foundation. We help children between the ages of five to fourteen years to leave the street and go back to school. Basically, we try to ignite the passion for education in the life of the African child. –Our vision is to develop the Nigerian children via education.

Below is the link to a documentary which tells the heartfelt story of a boy child we found on the street just this January selling sachet water to provide for his family after his dad died.

Instagram: dariuslegacyfoundatinon
Facebook: Darius Legacy Foundation

At our Foundation, we are very passionate at what we do and our dream is to see more children who are suffering, leave the street and go back to school especially orphans.Currently, we still pay the school fees of these kids with our personal money and donations from families and friends. So, we are very open to partnership and we look forward to more support to enable us to impact a lot of lives.

If you wish to support these children financially towards the upkeep of their education, please, click on the following link below

The suggested amount showing above is to continue paying the school fees of the children we have already brought out of the street to school. Thank you for your support! If you have further question, contact us @ [email protected]

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