Crowd Funding News

Struggling Young Family of Four GoFundME Campaign

My name is Nate, I try to be the best husband and best dad that I can be everyday. God has blessed me with a wonderful wife and two beautiful healthy boys (7mths & 3yrs), up until March 2018 life was going great. On March of 2018 I became disabled as I had sustained an injury, this put me out of work and I am still out of work.
God has gotten Us by one way or another with our bills over the last your we are so thankful and trusting in him with all our hearts. Even though God has found ways to get us through our bills it is still extremely tough on us as I am still out of work and my company has just laid me off. My company has also stop paying my disability benefits for the last 6 months and just cut us off healthcare, so we are receiving no benefits from the state or our once was insurance company.
My wife does not work she is busy taking care of both of our boys, I am the sole income earner for our family. Currently we are in Jeopardy of losing our house as well as our vehicle and we are starting to really get behind on all of our bills its only a matter of time before the water , heat and power get shut off and we are out of our home. We trust in God that he will continue to help provide for us, Even tho we do not have much funds we still go to church and we still tithe as much as we can. Anything helps, even just a nice comment to put our hopes up.
Thank you all for reading this and may God bless you all.

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