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The Counter Terrorist: Magazine for Homeland Security Professionals Enjoys Readership Growing at the Rate of 80% Every Issue

2008-07-17 02:00:00

The Counter Terrorist magazine, the official journal of the Homeland Security Professional, is going into its third issue to much acclaim from the across the country. The magazine, dedicated to providing the professional with the latest information through Case Studies, First Hand experiences and Strategic and Tactical views, is now going out to Professional Association and shows across the country.

Miami, FL (EMWNews) July 17, 2008 — With the leading story “The Sociology of Jihad” and other hard hitting and cutting-edge reporting for First Responders, the magazine is reaching an ever growing readership. The magazine was first printed with just 10,000 that quickly went to 18,000 in its first edition. The magazine is sent to SSI’s readership base, a group that subscribed through the SSI electronic newsletter the Counter Terrorist, a twice monthly electronic newsletter than reaches about 65,000 First Responders. SSI sees media a key part of its role in providing expert content to the First Responder in the War on Terror. It has many web sites including a new intelligence service named HS- BOOST (Homeland Security Bulletin Of Open Source Threats which is considered the best intelligence available in the USA today on what is going on in the Jihadist forums and web sites.

The magazine is being given out at many conferences for First Responders and mlitary and will soon be distributed to military bases and other US Armed Forces locations soon. Some of the key conferences where the magazine is being avidly read area: Fire and Security; South Florida Police and Security Expo; MidWest Security and Police Conference; 3rd annual tactical operations conference, and the Sarasota Sheriffs Gulf Coast Terrorism Prevention week. Several key associations like the ICTOA (International Counter Terrorism Officers Association) and the Homeland Security Defense Coalition.

“This is mandatory reading for all involved in the counter terrorism effort from policymakers to operators in the field, wrote Colonel Jennifer Hesterman, USAF (ret) a Homeland Security Professor and Counter terrorism expert.

The magazine is being supported by the Homeland Security community that is taking ads in the magazine as well as by the fastest growing subscription base in the publishing industry. The magazine aims to have 40,000 readers by the end of 2008.

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Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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