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The HSUS and HSI Applaud European Union Move Toward Ban on Seal Products

2008-07-23 08:06:00

The HSUS and HSI Applaud European Union Move Toward Ban on Seal Products

MONTREAL, QUEBEC–(EMWNews – July 23, 2008) – Humane Society International and The Humane Society of the United States today congratulated the European Commission for adopting a proposal to ban European Union trade in the products of cruel commercial seal hunts.

“I thank the European Commission for taking this historic step towards ending cruel commercial seal hunts,” said Rebecca Aldworth, director of animal programs for Humane Society International/Canada. “Citizens of Europe expect a total ban on seal product trade. The European Union should end its trade in all products derived from commercial seal hunts.”

Each year, hundreds of thousands of seals are killed in industrial scale hunts around the world. Canada’s commercial seal hunt is the largest slaughter of marine mammals on Earth, with more than one million seals killed in the past four years alone. Veterinarians say the slaughter is inherently inhumane because of the environmental conditions under which it operates, the speed at which it must be conducted, and the inability of authorities to monitor the killing.

“The people of Europe and the European Parliament will accept nothing less than a total ban. We intend to close our borders to seal products completely to ensure the EU plays no role in perpetuating the cruelty of commercial seal hunts,” said Neil Parish, UK Conservative MEP and President of the European Parliament’s animal welfare intergroup.

“This announcement by the Commission is an important step toward a victory for seals across the globe,” said UK Green MEP Caroline Lucas. “At the Parliamentary level, it will be crucial for MEPs to close the loopholes, and strengthen the proposal to ensure that all trade in products derived from commercial seal hunting is ended for once and for all.”

“People across Europe have called for an end to EU trade in products from commercial seal hunts for decades,” said Danish Socialist MEP Dan Jorgensen. “This announcement is a giant step forward in realizing that goal. I’m sure that the Parliament will do everything in its power to shut our borders to these products of animal cruelty.”

The Canadian seal slaughter is opposed by the overwhelming majority of Canadians, Europeans and Americans. Recent polling shows fully two thirds of Canadians with an opinion on the matter support European nations’ ending their trade in seal products.

Until Canada legislates an end to commercial seal hunting, The HSUS will continue to promote a boycott of Canadian seafood products in the United States, and ultimately expand it to Europe. To date, more than 4,000 restaurants and grocery stores and more than 600,000 individuals are participating in the ProtectSeals seafood boycott.

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– In 2006, Swedish Green MEP Carl Schlyter observed the Canadian commercial seal hunt with Humane Society International. Shortly thereafter, he sponsored a Written Declaration in the European Parliament, calling for an EU ban on seal product trade. The Written Declaration was passed with the endorsement of 425 Members of the European Parliament, a record level of support. The European Commission has responded with a proposal to ban seal product trade in the European Union.

– Polling shows the overwhelming majority of Europeans, Canadians and Americans oppose Canada’s commercial seal hunt. A 2007 national Pollara poll shows two thirds of Canadians with an opinion on the matter support European nations’ banning seal product trade.

– In 2005, HSUS launched a boycott of Canadian seafood products that will continue until the Canadian government puts a final end to the commercial seal hunt. To date, more than 4000 companies and 600,000 individuals have joined the campaign.

– With its campaign to document seal hunts, end the global trade in seal products, and create economic incentives for the Canadian government to stop commercial sealing, HSI is the leading international organization working to end commercial seal hunting.

The Humane Society of the United States is the nation’s largest animal protection organization – backed by 10.5 million Americans, or one of every 30. For more than a half-century, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education and hands-on programs. Celebrating animals and confronting cruelty – On the web at

Humane Society International is the international arm of The Humane Society of the United States, the nation’s largest animal protection organization – backed by 10.5 million Americans, or one of every 30. For more than a half-century, The HSUS has been fighting for the protection of all animals through advocacy, education, and hands-on programs. Celebrating animals and confronting cruelty – On the web at

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