The One Stop Experts Autism Special Needs #OneWorldNation GoFundMe
Fort Worth, TX FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Today Richard Cannon, 37-year-old father of a special needs 6-year-old son announced the launch of a GoFundMe to support awareness for parents. There is a lack of information, knowledge, and resources to provide for special needs families and Richard wants to change that.
There are thousands of things as a father of a special needs child, who is 6 years old, that he didn’t know until recently that could’ve changed his son’s chances at a normal life. This is common. He searched the usual “go-to” resources like Google for options and resources and found nothing but spam and scams.
Life has been challenging but it has not deterred Richard. He is a father to a nonverbal autistic 6-year-old with daily challenging medical and developmental needs. Richards firstborn passed away at six weeks from a heart defect. Richard made the decision to take action and do something.
Richard founded a business which currently is a start-up business seeking crowd funding to achieve a unique platform designed to give back more in financial contributions with a percent of yearly profits given to good causes of need also by creating a public reflection from the business on our behalf promoting acceptance and awareness overall special needs all mental illness. All good causes.
Richard did not stop there, he is also the founder and leader of movements #OneWorldNation dedicated to finding the positive leaders of the world in all industries to create unity leading others to lead, and providing resources and real information to people wanting to learn or increase their knowledge. Also founder and leader of movement #generationofchange leading individuals looking to learn to use their voice to create positivity and much-needed changes globally creating acceptance and awareness of all people whether special needs, born differently and or just suffering.
The two movements are contributing back an average of $2000 a month to major recognized and also other great public causes.
For more information on how you can help or if you are looking for more information please visit the GoFundMe page at
Media Contact
Richard Cannon
eMail: Richardcannon [at]
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