Triangle Art’s transition aid GoFundME Boost CrowdFunding Campaign

Hello there! My name is Julian (Jules) Walker and I’m a 34-year-old freelance artist who lives in Oklahoma. I also happen to be a transgender guy who can’t change his name or gender markers in his state without gender reassignment surgery. I need your help with the extraneous surgery costs.

Every little bit helps!

Air bnb – $368.45
– This is for a whole week to stay in the south Miami area, I’ve already paid the first half of $368 to reserve the place, this is just for the second half.

Surgery – $9,000
-This includes top surgery and flank reduction. I already paid $1500 on top of what I owe here.

Hospital same-day balance – $2550
-This is basically my in care hospital and anesthesia fees.

Tissue pathology fee – $300

Go fund me fees – $977
-They take 5% and then another 2.9% processing

If by some miracle that we raise more than what I’ve placed here, the rest of the money will go towards post operation prescriptions (Oh boy, painkillers), traveling costs and food during the duration of me and my roommate’s stay in Florida.

If we can somehow do this, not only will you be helping me financially to cover a serious medical procedure in my life, but I’ll be able to be who I was always meant to be. I can walk outside and not be so paranoid about my appearance, or what other people will think about me. I’ll be able to have that feeling when I see my gender marker is changed on my ID and birth certificate.

I can finally be me.

I’ll be trying my best to raise up as much money at trade shows I sell at and will be throwing that money into this pool as well. I need to be able to pay off my surgery four weeks before May 30th. That’s not a lot of time but I think we can do it.

As for this old mug, I personally thank you.


On a quick note, if you guys prefer to get stuff for your contributions, you can check out my online store here.

And as of 1-22-2019 I’ll be doing portrait sketches for any $30 donations! If you’d like a couples piece, it would be $60. So that means I’ll draw whatever portrait you’d like, be it original or fandom characters or even real life people. I really do want to give something back to the generosity of those who will help me out with this.

So what do the sketches look like? Here are some cropped previews for you to look at. Unfortunately, Go-fund-me doesn’t let me post the full image but this should give you an idea of how they turn out:


For more info: http://