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Verizon’s (VZ) TracFone Customers Victim Hackers SIM Swap Numbers

Scammers have SIM Swapped thousands of TracFone customer phone numbers in recent weeks. An efani SAFE plan provides guaranteed protection against SIMSwap.

NEWPORT BEACH, Calif. – Feb. 14, 2022 – (EMWNews) — Hackers, Scammers & Bad Actors have SIM Swapped or stolen, mobile cellphone numbers of TracFone, Straight Talk, Total Wireless, and possibly other prepaid cellular carriers in the past couple of months.

Verizon, which operates Net10, StraightTalk, SimpleMobile, Walmart FamilyMobile, and total wireless, acquired TracFone in late November in a $6.25 billion deal.

According to a Verizon spokeswoman, the attack appears to affect approximately 6,000 TracFone customers, which is part of Verizon’s approximately 24 million prepaid lines. “There is no reason to think this was caused by someone inside,” the spokesman said.

Other customers of various TracFone brands have stated that unknown attackers appear to be targeting cryptocurrency accounts using their SIMSwapped phone numbers.

Cell phone line control by way of a SIMSwap can be an easy entry point for scammers and hackers trying to break into the victim’s bank account. Cryptocurrency wallets that store Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and other Crypto Currencies are often protected by mobile phone authentication, also known as two-factor authentication or 2FA, are common targets.

Princeton University in 2020 Research on identification methods of prepaid mobile operators, including Verizon and TracFone, found that all providers “used an insecure authentication challenge that could easily be destroyed by an attacker.”

Take this recent data breach as an example. Scammers can use the breach data to SIM Swap your number and become you. Once the scammer and hackers have control of your number it is a matter of minutes to hours before they reak havoc on your entire life. These scammers and hackers, now that they control your number, can gain access and steal all your bank accounts, crypto, social media, and other accounts. We take for granted how much our mobile controls in our lives.

It is time you protect yourself today and get SAFE secured.


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Monster Tech Review specializes in tech reviews. We provide information related to technology used in daily life and tech that affects your daily life. We bring you security tips to protect your data, privacy, and account. In today’s digital age you can never be too secure, hackers and scammers are lurking and waiting to pounce on the next data breach. Do not be a victim, protect your identity, finances, reputation, Social Media, and more.

Media Contact
Scott Miller
Monster Tech Review
Vancouver, BC
[email protected]

KeyWords:  efani, Verizon, VZ, TracFone, SimSwap, SimHacking, Port-Out-Scam, Cyber Security, MonsterTechReview, Crypto, Protect Yourself, Identity Theft, Data Breach, Hacker, Scammers & Bad Actors


Jordan Taylor

Jordan Taylor is Sr. Editor & writer from San Diego, CA. With over 20 years and 2650+ articles edited rest assured your Press Release will see traction.

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