
Amber/Moon Furbaby Sanctuary

What started as just feeding some strays has grown into a safe haven sanctuary for the Furbabies.
Named in the honor two dearly missed late Furbabies, Amber & Mr.Moon, who tragically lost their lives before our enclosure was constructed.

The fenced in sanctuary has insulated shelters elevated feeding stations, and lots of room (100’x90’x100’x70′) for the Furbabies to run and play.

We provide vet care for them and spay/neuter Furbabies in our area, and rehome when possible.
Sometimes it seems to be a thankless job, but all so a rewarding burden.

We operate solely on your donations. Our donors make our work possible. Without you we would not exist. We set monthly goals in our updates here, and most times those goals are met. Sometimes an emergency will arise and we will need to tend to that first.

The work is hard and the hours are long, but knowing these Furbabies are well cared for makes everything worthwhile.

I wish I could truly express just how grateful we are for every cent donated. We are appreciative of your support more than words could ever explane.
From the bottom of my heart I sincerely thank each and every one of you who has helped us get to where we are now.

Our Anazon wish list
You can find us on Instagram @helpingcats.
Our Facebook page is
One of the best ways to help us is to share our story and let others know what we are trying to do.
Thank you for any help you can give.

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