Diagnosed Terminal in 2014 Need Final Summer trip JustGiving Campaign ViralExposure.us
In 2002 a tonic clonic seizure happened. It transpired I had a brain tumour. They would not operate on this here in the U.K. Through various contacts a surgeon in the U.S.A. said he would take a look. Whilst my wife and I were on honeymoon we flew up to Boston and discussed this. In September after getting my scans we flew back and he operated. We spent nearly a month recovering in the U.S.A. before I was able to fly back again. The Hospital charges us £55,000. but luckily I taken out critical illness out my mortgage. Through contacts we made we did not have to pay for the hotels we stayed in.
I had to take 6 months of before returned to work in U.K. learning who to read and write again.
Throughout my time since I had MRI scans however due to Neurology this was not regular. In the proceeding years I had the occasional focal seizure and when this happened I let my other subcontractors drive.
In 2013 leading up to Christmas I had dizzy spells. I constantly pestered the receptionist over my G.P.s and my Neurology receptionist. They got me in for a scan on 31st of March 2014. It turned out I need another operation but this was delayed due to ineptitude of the N.H.S. not talking to one another and the Neurologist had known about the progression of my scans. Basically he had played “GOD” with my life. I should have had the MRI scans once a year.
In May 2014 I was operated on again and had the prognosis that it was terminal and I had about 5 years, with a grade 3. My wife is my carer now an I am disabled.
We saved long and heard for this special holiday and then a week of seizures put pay to this. We had insurance, but a clause on the insurance meant that it was denied. Something to do with a tumour and an secondary seizure and not just a seizure.