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DNA testing Firm Data Breach 2.1 million at Risk

Ohio-based DNA testing company DNA Diagnostics Center (DDC) this week disclosed a data breach affecting 2.1 million people.

In a data breach notice posted on its website, DDC said it detected unauthorized access to its network on August 6. An investigation has determined that the attackers had accessed an archived database containing personal information collected between 2004 and 2012 for a national genetic testing organization system that was acquired by the firm in 2012.

“This system has never been used in DDC’s operations and has not been active since 2012,” the company said. “DDC has been and remains fully operational, and the systems and databases that are actively used by DDC were not infiltrated.”

DDC has determined that the hackers may have copied certain files and folders between May 24 and July 28, 2021.

The data breach notification posted on the company’s website does not provide any other details regarding the attack, but information submitted to the Maine Attorney General’s Office shows that the incident has impacted more than 2.1 million individuals.

Information that may have been obtained by the hackers includes names, Social Security numbers, bank account numbers, and payment card data.

DDC has been informing impacted people about the breach and offering them free credit monitoring services.

DDC says it has conducted more than 20 million DNA tests since 1995. The company offers paternity, immigration, COVID-19, DNA relationship, fertility, and other types of testing.

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