Crowd Funding News

Ex-soldier falls in debt and needs urgent help GoFundME Campaign

Hello lovely and amazing people.

You are probably wondering Why? Why should I help them.Well let me bring you up to speed.Ex-Soldier, get’s ripped of by her family while she is in deployement, gets some health issues that lead to her not beeing able to work as a soldier anymore that finally finds a job after her employement works for a few months there. And then came the letter.Fired due to insolvency. My world cumbled to pieces, because just a few days before I took a credit in order to pay urgent bills since I didn’t get paid from my employer. He said I’d get paid the next month. And I was naiv. So yeah there is that:

I had a car to repair, rent to pay and well from time to time I’d like to eat something. My partner is working his his butt of to sustain us. Now since I got no job anymore and can’t pay for the credit (and believe me one thing: I really tried to get a job. But no one takes me. I go to job interviews every day) I’m sitting here and don’t know what to do.

You Are My Last Hope.
Really. My Last. Please, please help me.

I never asked for anything. And If you know anyone that needs a good worker, with interests in logistics and techniques near by Bremen, Germany. I’m your girl.

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