Crowd Funding News

He lost his family in seconds Timothy Davies needs your support.

First we want to send out our deepest sympathy to the Davies family for there loss of these two beautiful souls.
We This & That Crafts are doing a collection to help Timothy Davies 32 who lost his world yesterday (8/3/18) in a terrible accident. Timothy lost his fiancé Sara Shaw 29 yrs old whom he was with for 12 yrs he also lost his precious little boy Rylan Davies 7yrs old .

Rylan would have been going into 2nd grade at MoValley Elementary he loved wrestling,video games and being outside Rylan was full of life.

Timothy loved both of them with every breath he took. No One is ever prepared for this to happen especially at both there ages . So please , please, Timothy has not only to bare the heart break of this all but having the expenses of it all too.his insurance is not covering anything,we was told,every penny helps please show Tim he is thought of cared for and loved even by strangers show him the world is not all bad.

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