
Improve a teens photography with money FREE KickStarter Booster Promotion CrowdFunding Campaign

Hey, My name is Daniel Mislati. I am a young entrepreneur from London, England. I am 13 years old and am hoping to become a cinematographer/photographer in the future. I am hoping to achieve such a goal with YOUR help.

By donating you will allow me to buy new equipment (Camera, Lens, Stabilizer) and by donating i will give you a little something for your help. I am really enthusiastic in this aspect of technology and am hoping to turn this into a career in the future.

I also love to really appreciate the crispness and beauty of the world that can easily be conveyed through picture and would like to replicate such beauty.

I have a two local parks and want to bring my equipment into these parks and at some point create a short movie about the beauty that is life and not corrupting the beautiful things like trees and grass and sunsets with skyscrapers and loud noises and polluting the air with noise destroying that beautiful chirping we love.

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